Stubborn- Hanzo Hasashi

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Hanzo's gotta be ma favourite just watch mah baby kill all those people 😍 Ngl I cried when he died like nooooo.
I'm still in denial.

Within the Shirai Ryu, I am known for being first in command (a proud and fully fledged chujin) for Grandmaster Hasashi. Most trainees in the Shirai Ryu trust me as their guidance and teacher, it is what I'm known for. Unfortunately, I am infamously known for being incredibly immovable in my stubborn ways. If I want something perfected I refuse to stop until it is perfected or I'm unconscious on the floor from exhaustion. The infirmary has rued my name and I am proud to say that my file is the biggest out of the whole clan.

On multiple occasions even Hanzo has given up on telling me what to do. Not to say that I'm disobedient, no. I will listen to his every command. I just choose to... 'forget' that he told me to go to bed, even if he did drag me to my room.

Last night was no different. Hanzo 'escorted' me to bed only for me to sneak out and practise a particularly hard technique using my pyro abilities.

However, waking up, I could tell that it caught up with me. Laying on the dojo floor, I groaned in pain at my cracking headache and sickly throbbing body. Karma had really kicked me in the ass. I'm ill. Fiercely so. It's just my rotten luck that the Shirai Ryu are to have a visitor today in the form of the Lin Kuei Grandmaster, Kuai Liang. I'm supposed to be with Hanzo representing the clan.

Well shit. Looks like I'm gonna have to pretend all is well.

I staggered up on my feet, my head throbbing in protest and, ignoring the urge to throw up, I raced to my room.

Getting dressed and popping a few pills, I sprinted to the mess room where everyone was eating breakfast.

Pointedly avoiding Hanzo's ever watchful gaze at the head table, where I was supposed to sit, I sank into a chair next to Takeda and grabbed an apple, ignoring my sudden tunnel vision.

"Dojo or your actual room?" Takeda asked. I gave him a look and bit into the apple.

"Dojo it is then." He answered himself. In response, I flipped him the bird and he pulled a mock offended face. "Oh, obscene finger gestures from our finest chijin, what would Grandmaster Hasashi think?"

"Grandmaster Hasashi doesn't have to think anything." I resonded. "He's already got enough on his plate what with the Lin Kuei coming. We must all be on our best behaviour. Isn't that right, Takeda?" Shooting him a pointed gaze, he feigned innocence.

"What?! I've promised I won't prank anyone this week. Scout's honour!" He put his hand on heart.

"Good. We must be in our best state."

"And what state are we in today?" Takeda asks. I sigh in slight shame at my current predicament.

"Ill." I reply.

"Ill?" He repeats in disbelief. "You serious?" I look up from the table, guilt written all across my face. "Oh no."

"'Oh no' indeed. Do me a favour and don't tell anyone please? I cannot afford to go to the infirmary, my duty is to command you lot plus I'm demonstrating my own skill all in front of the Lin Kuei Grandmaster and representatives. I mustn't let Grandmaster Hasashi down." The weight of today suddenly dropped onto my shoulders as they slump and, like a claw, stress clenched my heart.

"I promise Y/n but, you better take it easy yourself. We don't want you passing out." He says like the good non-biological brother he is. Before I could reply, I saw Hanzo rise from his seat and I quickly follow suit.

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