Chapter 2 - Isabelle's Attempt To Reason

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"You would not believe him!" Tom continued smashing his fist on the counter the next morning, still obsessed with his previous rant, even though the Redd incident had happened yesterday. Vivi just stared. "That man has no regard!"

"Er, Tom... maybe I could try talking to him myself."


"No, Tom, let me try it-"

"Where are Timmy and Tommy?"

"Tom, what?"

"They're cute, right?" Tom shook his head vigorously, his eyes wide with a creepy sort of happiness, "I'm sure that scamming idiot wouldn't suspect a thing... what if we had them bring in, say, some ink? Spill it all over the paintings, splash it on the statues when he isn't looking?"

"Tom, stop! Can't you boot him out?"

"I tried, I really did, Vivi."

"Did you just scream at him? Maybe try to be nice!"

"He makes it so hard," Tom grumbled.

"Just try."

"Why are you all 'friendship is magic' all of a sudden? You stormed furiously to me and demanded I teach him a lesson."

"I thought you could just... demand a refund! I didn't think he'd be that rude," Vivi sniffed.

They squared off. Vivi staring blankly at Tom. Tom staring hard at Vivi.

"Well, THANKS FOR MAKING MY DAY!" Tom howled as Isabelle ducked in through the door, thinking the argument was over because of the lull in conversation. The pear she was eating fell right out of her hand and smacked against the wall.

"He's the one being rude! Not me!" Vivi yelled.

"What the hell, Vivi? You get mad at me for not talking to him right?! He's so infuriatingly cocky that it makes it hard!"

"Tom! YOU'RE the one who didn't solve anything! I need my bells back!"

"Oh, enough about the stupid bells!"

"I need the bells to pay off my latest debt, you dumb loan shark!"

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Tom growled.

"You heard me!" Vivi got into an exaggerated fighting stance.

"Alright, THAT'S IT!" Tom grabbed Isabelle's water sprayer bottle and began furiously misting water at Vivi. Vivi snatched it from his hands and unscrewed the top and splashed the water down his shirt. Vivi went to grab a book, but Tom yanked her back by the hem of her shirt. Tom tried to kick her in the knee, but she dodged away. Vivi threw a tissue box but it narrowly skimmed over the top of Tom's head.

"Guys..." Isabelle helplessly watched the pandemonium unfold. Tom stopped cold at the sound of her voice just as Vivi reached for a handful of dirt from the potted plant.

"ISABELLE!" Tom spun to her, looking weirdly excited despite being drenched in water, "You're back! You're smart! You talk to him!" Before Isabelle could even fathom the meaning of his words, he was going forward.

"Tom, you idiot, don't involve Isabelle-" Vivi snapped, irritated.

Ignoring Vivi, Tom shoved her happily towards the door. "You're so rational! The most rational one here! Go sort this out!" He babbled happily.

"Tom, I don't think that's a good idea." Isabelle said nervously.

"But Isabelle! Digby always says you're the much smarter one out of the two of you, despite being slightly forgetful." Tom chattered happily, overjoyed that this time someone else would be talking to Redd.

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