Chapter 5 - Confusion In Paradise

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"Hey, Freya, have you seen Kicks?"

"Kicks? That's an odd word, I only know of shoes." Freya sniffed primly, looking down at her feet.

"No, Kicks." Antonio sighed, exasperated, "The shoe and backpack seller."

"Oh, Kicks! Why didn't you just say so?"

"I did..."

"I saw him earlier today, but he walked off for a while." Freya mused, scratching her chin.

"Did he tell you where he was going?"


"I'll look for him, I can always use a good walk!" Antonio began energetically pumping his knees in the air.

"Walk? Well, I just went for one."

Antonio and Freya turned in unison. Kicks was strolling back to his little set-up shop.

"I guess he found you, uff da! I'll see you!" Freya waved and began walking into the trees, taking no hurry.

"Kicks! Oh, right, I have been looking for you!"

"That's funny, chum, I've been looking for you!"

Antonio blinked owlishly. Kicks pulled a familiar object out of his pocket.

"Look what I found while walking, reckoned these were yours. I was discussing sock-making with Mabel and saw you buy them. Not many on this island want a pair of night vision goggles." Kicks cracked a grin.

"My nightglasses!"


"Sunglasses for the night."

"I like that term. I reckon I'll be usin' it!"

"I'm glad I've invented a new trend," Antonio put his hands on his hips proudly, "Where were they? Behind my house? I must have not looked hard enough-"

"Hol' up, behind your house?"


"No, Antonio, you've misunderstood. I found these little buggers half buried in the sand at the beach - almost tripped over 'em!"

"The beach?"


"That can't be! I never forget things!" Antonio felt sweat beads forming on his forehead.

"Forget things? I reckoned you'd dropped them?"

"I left them outside my house!"

"How'd they end up on the beach, then?"

Antonio and Kicks stared at each other, but they didn't have an answer.

- (WARNING: Major "I'm baby" energy alert, Dom is too cute. I tried to reflect on how I think he'd be as a person, and how his little glistening eyes always make him look like he's gonna cry.)

"Is anyone here?"

Meanwhile, halfway across the island, Dom nervously parted the curtain opening to Redd's Treasure Trawler.

He had yet to meet the guy, and he was a bit nervous. Dom was sometimes teased by his friends for being so scared of everything. He couldn't help it! He sniffed a little, saddened by the memory, his spirit a bit dampened.

Maybe I should just go, Dom thought glumly. Then he remembered why he was here.

He had been one out of the two first islanders. He'd been the first to meet Vivi. He was always so nervous meeting new people. Friendship was a bit more hard for him than for everyone else, everyone teased him, but they tried to be friendly about it. Sometimes their words weren't as dulled as Dom wanted them to be, and they hurt. The jock villagers were truly his closest friends. Antonio and Roald were some of his best pals, they'd never said a bad word against him.

It Couldn't Be... Love? | Tom Nook x Redd | Fanfiction |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ