Chapter 16 - Remembering

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As Tom lay in bed that night, he kept the curtains open.

Normally he wouldn't - keep the curtains open, that is. He found the bright light of the moon to be a distraction, somehow filtering past his eyelids and keeping him up. But tonight it couldn't hurt keeping them open, because he wasn't able to fall asleep in the first place. He lay flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling, while the moon caressed his face with gentle white hands. His head was wild with all sorts of thoughts.

The island or Redd...

Redd or the island...


The island?


He shook his head at himself - both was an impossibility. The citizens on White-Sunflower hated Redd. They would be like oil and water - they would never mix.

But... could they? Maybe they could learn to forgive. Over time, Redd could win their trust back.

Or... could they not learn?

Tom slapped a palm over his face, groaning.

I'm not cut out for this - this important decision making.

The other voice in his head, the side that had always sided with Redd, answered:

Yes, you are! You've been able to keep charge over an entire island!

No... this is different.

Come on, just one more person?

The voice was like a pest he couldn't get rid of. He tried to shut it out.

What you have... it's special!

It's a fling.

Keep telling yourself that.

Tom's eyelid spasmed.

Shut up! Go away!

You need to make a decision.

You're not helping.

Yes, I am.




Tom smashed his hands over his ears, he felt like he was squeezing his brain together. He needed to shut it all out. It wasn't helping - it was harming!

Slowly, his erratic breathing came back to a normal pace. He wanted to smack himself again - he was arguing with himself? Or was that himself... who? Then he owed himself two smacks - he was arguing with himself AGAIN!

Ever since Redd had turned up, so much had happened... his perfect paradise had been thrown into a blender! He'd had it all - or had he? Two kids, money, a reputation. But that was the thing... in the eyes of everyone he still had that stuff, because they didn't know about what he and Redd had been doing. How would everyone feel when they found out? Would his reputation crumble and be replaced by something else? Everything was wrong... everything had changed.

Is it wrong? What if it's right?

I told you to go away.

Yes, you... I am you.

You're not. You're messing with my conscience.

Or maybe I'm helping it.

Funny way of "helping."

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