"Exactly, and if I'm not cleared tomorrow, then this responsibility falls to the next in line."

     "But you're an only child," Bonica stated the obvious.

     Liri pulled herself off the couch and walked to Ardon's side. "Actually, I'm not."

     "What," Pasley screeched.

     "I know this is going to sound insane, but Nalla carries some of my father's genetic code, so technically she's my sister."

     Pasley laughed sardonically. "You can't be serious, that little thing can barely hold her head up, let alone rule over the Delaney holdings."

     Liri took a deep breath. "It was a shock to me as well, but if tomorrow goes terribly wrong, I hope I can depend on all of you to make this right and to take care of Nalla for me. I'm the only family that little girl has."

     "That's not true, she has all of us now," Bonica stated. 

     "Natasha is thrilled that she finally has a baby to dote on," Jensen chuckled.

     Pasley shook her head as she scanned her fingernails. "She spent hours out on the beach building sandcastles with all the children before dinner, and now she's out there playing with them in the courtyard like an overgrown child."

     "Sunburn!" Jensen chuckled.

     "It's a good thing I have lots of sun-heal tinctures stocked up." Bonica sighed. "I don't know who's worse about staying in the UV-rays for too long, her or the twins."

     "Today, Natasha wins." Jensen pointed at her running around in the courtyard. "And she looks reinvigorated from all of this, so I like it."

     "Natasha will be pleased, and if I'm cleared tomorrow, I will claim Nalla as my own and give her the family name."

     Pasley moved to Liri's side. Rubbing her shoulder, she said, "I know that you think you are doing the right thing here, but she's not your responsibility."

     "Yes, she is, and I grew attached to the cute chittering noises she makes when she sees me. Not to mention, I like how her eyes are identical to dads." She laced her fingers with Ardon's. "I will raise Nalla as my own."

     Pasley's hand froze. "If that's what you want, but know this isn't going to make you feel better about anything."

     "I know, I won't ever feel as if the Shifters' suffering ended. They were ripped from their homes, experimented on, and the horrors that Sasha uncovered will haunt me for the rest of my life."

     Pasley stepped back and perched on the back of the couch. "Then why keep something around that reminds you of such darkness?"

     "Something?" Ardon snapped.

     Pasley's eyes cut to him. 

     He spoke again, "I agree that it won't change the past, but she is determined to raise Nalla. And if I know anything about Liri, it's that you don't get in her way when she's made up her mind about something." His wings twitched.

     "I realize that you have fallen head-over-heels for our huntress, but you have known her for less than a microsecond and know nothing about who she really is."

     "I know she wants children, unlike you." Ardon glared.

     Pasley cocked a brow. "They are messy and time-consuming, and it's not as if you are going to raise her too."     

     "Yes, I am." He looked to Liri. "If Lady Delaney will allow me to that is."

     She squeezed his hand and nodded. "I already told you that I want you here. Natasha and the Twins officially welcomed Ardon to the family after lunch, and I hope that the rest of you will as well." Her gaze drifted to the three mates."

     Bonica smiled, hopped up from the ground, and moved to Ardon's side. She grabbed his empty hand and squeezed. "I like you too, Mr. Rowe, and want you here as well. Welcome."      

     Ardon winked at her.

     "You don't even know him," Pasley snapped.

     "He helped Liri rescue all those Shifters without question, and that says more about a man than a million perfect words. So I trust him implicitly."

     "Pff, he did it for money, and she's blinded by the adrenaline-fueled romance she has going on with him. It will fade, and she will regret ever allowing him into our home."

     Liri opened her mouth to speak when Jensen stepped between the if-looks-could-kill contest and said, "I like Rowe too. He kept Huntress safe during her time of need when we couldn't. For that, I will be forever grateful." He placed his hand on the other man's shoulder. "Welcome."

     "I'll always keep her safe. And thank you, Jensen."

     Everyone looked at Pasley. 

     "I appreciate that you took care of Liriandra, but I hold reservations about this." She stood. "I have spent every day for what feels like eternity worrying about her safely returning to us. And when she finally does, it's with a new mate. It's too much for me to take in. Sorry, I can't recognize this union right now, if ever."

     "I do hope you change your mind. Ardon is here to stay," Liri's voice was cold and quiet.

     "We will see." Pasley spun on her heel and glided from the room.

     "Don't pay attention to her, she's just worried that Liri won't give her any attention with a new member in the house," Jensen said as he made his way to the couch. 

     Liri yawned. "I'm beat and have to get up early tomorrow and get cleaned and dressed for the trial."

     "It's not until mid-day."

     "Yes, but I have to undergo the bathhouse cleansing and a few hours of meditation for a clear mind, and don't forget the white gown and flower-laden braids that I have to have to prove I did all the required steps."


     "Yes." She sighed heavily and felt herself growing sleepier at the thought of all that work.

     "Then let me take you to bed." Ardon picked her up and made his way to her chambers. Before he opened the door, Liri was sound asleep. 

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