"I'll do any trade you want on one condition". He explained.

Britain eyes widen. Russian empire was one of the most stubborn person he knew which is saying a lot since he been all over the globe literally.

"I will babysit you're children for a few days. That's it",

"..pardon ?" Britain asked highly confused. This guy will do any deal he wants just to babysit his two young sons ? That's sounds very wrong...he had many questions.

"Huh Now I understand why there's a place call New England. He mocked.
"Do I need to repeat myself old man because you're hearing is going". The Russian shock his head.

Britain looked down at America who was looking up at with big eyes. Britain bite his lip. He didn't know what to do. He needed this deal so bad he'll so anything to get this desk but leaving his children all alone with him....that's was something he didn't want at all.

Yes France and his anniversary was coming up and they wanted to have some alone time..but Russian empire as a babysitter. France hated his guts she would never leave her babies in his care.
And if he did something bad to them he'd never forgive himself..

"Well Britain is it a deal or not ?" Russian empire was enjoying himself far to much.

'I'm so sorry",

"Say bye bye to mommy and daddy boys". Russian empire said. France scoffed but looked down worried at her to sons.
"France..it's time to go". Britain said softly half him wanted to stay the other half wanted to have some fun.

"Bye bye". The two little boys said waking.

RE brought them inside.
"Well it's nearly bedtime". He said looking over at the clock. "You want me to tell you a bedtime story?" He asked. Canada and America both nodded their heads excited.
They all sat down on the couch. Before Britain and France left they gave him a hour long lecture about their kids.
Canada was at the age where he loved scary stories while America was terrified at them.

The Russian idea is to tell a scary story get America scared so he'll come running to him telling him he can't sleep or something like that. Mean he knew how young children where he is a dad.

"Okay let's see.There were two little boys who we're best friends always hanging out and having fun but the older one like to get in trouble some times-

He was nearly at the end of the story. America was shivering in fear nearly crying while Canada had state in his eyes dying to know how it ended.

"There was blood all over the W-" the Russian stopped looking down at America. He had his eyes shut closed. He felt bad. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to tell a story about a murder to a eleven  year old especially when their sensitive...yeah now that he thinks about it and when the story sorta based on them...

"Okay time for bed"

"What! No I want know how's it ends". Canada complained. "Sorry buddy it's past your bedtime". He said picking up America.
America clung onto him immediately.

The three or two males walked to the bedrooms. Canada complained the entire time wanting to know how the story ended. Russian empire tucked Canada into bed using one arm since America was hugging onto the other one.

The Russian they made his way to the quest room he was using. He didn't really see a point of putting America to bed knowing he'd come to his bed anyway.

Empire somehow managed to get America off him. He was a really strong kid not to forget he was like three foot and not to forget he was eleven a really short kid if you think about it.

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