(Old) His little human

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Request by PolandStarship
Vampire Russia x Human America
I think it's quite cute
Edited because a lot of people were making fun of my spelling disability

America shivered as he walked through the forest.
It was a mess how America got there. He remembers Britain grabbing him and throwing him in the back of his car and driving for nearly two hours got shoved out of the car and watched Britain speed off. He was sorta happy to be away for him but he will miss Australia and France. But he was left to freeze to death and it was working.

America legs started to feel numb and sore but he kept walking. He was going to collapse any second now. He was weak very weak. America eyes widen when he saw the house no mansion..what no castle is the best way to describe it. It was old but beautiful. America stumbled up the stairs to the house. America reached the front door and threw his body on the door. America hit the ground. America shivered more and crossed his arms trying to stay warm. So this is how he dies on a doorstep. What a place to leave this cruel world.

America version started to get blurry. America heard some faint clicks before everything went completely black.

America slowly open his eyes trying to adjust to the new lighting. America slowly sat up. He was laying on a really fancy looking couch the was red. He was also rambled up in blankets. There was a fireplace in front of him with a strong firing going on.

"Aw little human you're alive I thought you where a goner". America jumped at the voice behind . America looked behind him to see a very tall person leaning over the couch. He had a masculine body unlike America how had feminine one. His flag had three horizontal colours/colors on his flag. White, blue and red.

"Aw did I scare you little human ?" The tall man asked smile widely showing his teeth. It was then America realized he had two very sharp teeth. 'Does he have fang or are they flake they look so real tho'.

"Ah yes you noticed my fangs there very sharp right".

'What the fuck how did know what I was thinking ?!'

"Well little human I can read minds and don't you swear like that it's bad for a little human like you I'll let it go this time."

"H-how can you read minds ?". America asked shaking.

The tall man walked around the couch and sated down very closed to America. America backed away for him. The tall man glared at him not happy about his actions. The tall man started to bring his fingers up and down. America felt his body froze as he was his body was forced nearer to the taller man. The man put a arm around his small waist. America looked up in fear.

"Well little human as you can see I have powers I am vampire my name Russia now what yours ?"


"That's a pretty little name for a beautiful girl like you".

"I-i am a boy sir". America stutter. I mean a vampire had his arms wrapped around his waist he could suck his bloody at any moment. "Oh sweetie I am not going to suck you're blood but I do want to suck something else and I think the reader would agree~".

"What e-else would you s-suck s-sir". America ask confused. Russia awed at this. "You're too pure for this world I am going to kept you that way for awhile and make sure you don't see the comments" Russia said holding America closer.
"What do mean by comments sir ?" America asked feeling more comfortable and safer with this Russia. "Don't worry about that little human I'll deal with them with a Irish eejit oh and call me Russia".

"Sir- I mean Russia you don't make a lot of sense"

"I just know things you don't Little human thats all". Russia said giving him a peck on the forehead. America blushed and held back his tears. He missed Mama France. When Britain was done beating and abusing him France would always clean up his wounds and give him a kiss on each cut and bruise and tell him how much she loved him and make sure he knew one person loved him in the family did.

"Little human how did you end up on my doorstep not that I mind, it's just well I live in the middle of no where and you not in good shape at all with all the bruises and cuts and you're dangerously skinny". Russia said considered about his little human.
"I- um didn't h-have the best father...I had a l-lovely Mother th-

"What was his name ?"
Russia tone changed completely it went for loving and caring to I am going to murder a country entire population. America got very scared about Russia change of voice he started to tremble in fear scared that he did something wrong and was going to get hur-.

America yelped as he felt two strong arms wrap around his small fragile body. Russia picked America up and put him on his lap and embraced him.

"Ssh it's okay I am not going to hurt you I am just mad that someone else hurt you".

America nodded and snuggled his head into Russia chest. America only liked being small for one reason it might that he could be held very easily. France would always say that he was perfect size for cuddling and hugging. America let tear drop he really did miss his mama. At lest Russia was nice and caring.

"Don't worry little human you don't have to tell me his name I know the readers will"

"Russia what are you tal-

"Ssh time for beddie little human"

Well here the first short for this book I find it funny that both books  first shorts are about RusAme.

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