Come back.. Please Brother

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Fourth part of they keep on using me, this might get its own book at this point.
First part-They keep on using me (America) in America one-shorts on my old account @Ebeeie
Second part-tell me why I am waiting (Britain) in this book (reploued)
Third part-Lost without you (Ireland) in this book
A lot of TW like usual I mean this entire story based around TW

Canada started at the bed across form him. The light blue covers untouched in months. The fluffy and puffy pillows piled up on each other.
Old teddies random placed on the bed leaning against the soft pillows.
It looked babies you can say for sixteen year old teenaged-boy.. but Canada couldn't see another bed set up for America.
Another then his new.. coffin 
That stung, 
Hearing the word coffin and his  younger and only brother in the same sentence hurted him deeply. The Seventeen year old placed his hand on chest. Over were his heart was..

Feeling his heartbeat..
Hearing his heartbeat...
He remembered having his hand over America's, he remembered feeling it go slower and slower along with  weaker and weaker...until it stopped completely. 
The doctors already tried to save him...but....not every story gets a happy end. 

He remembered the day he wrote that stupid note with his idiotic friends. The day America had enough.
The day he jumped.
The day America ended the loop he lived in for 10 years.



'You killed him. You the reason for his death. You should be in jail the only reason why you aren't and you're parents aren't is because society knew how deeply hurt and sorry you are for his death'

'Society is so fucked up huh, they left you all off because you all cried yourself to sleep for the first time in your perfect unpainful life's, well you're dead brother did it for 10 years straight and what justice did he get?

'You telling him to shut fuck up, I hope I  quotes that right minus all the insults you twat.'

After America's death this voice appeared in the Canadian head.
Mocking his every action.
Insulting him every minute.
Point all his flaws and mistakes.
It was like he was sitting on his shoulders weighing him down.
It was like he was drowning and he was this chained ball on his legs pulling him down to his death.

In other words he represented how he was in America's life.
A monster how made thwor life a living hell.
He deserve to have this demon haunt him. This was karma for ruining his own twin bother life.

'remember when you guys didn't share a room? And you both would sneak into each others room to cuddle?
And you're Dad's got so fend up with that then tore down the wall that separate you're rooms?
You know the time before you were a monster? When you're brother was breathing.
When he could smile without it being  forced'

Canada stayed quiet. He did remember those days. His early childhood days. He missed those days.
He missed the days before he was insecure .
He missed the days were he didn't bother to fit in. The days before he cared about what looked like.
The days before he sinned.
The days were his brother was still standing and breathing

He was so fucking selfish.
He should've been by America side.
He didn't remember all the details but North Korea and soon later China started calling America names one day. Stared making fun of him for his heterochromia... which soon went to his height which they went to his pronunciation problem.
At first it was just those two but soon other started to join. More and more joined until it was only Canada in the entire grade who wasn't bullying the American. He felt pressure so he started to point the finger at his twin brother he remembered how hurt America looked that day.

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