53 "lonely"

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(1 month later)

I sat in my room staring at the wall I sighed I missed scott a lot I felt no I know I'm loosing him i don't know what to do I haven't left the house in the past 2 weeks it got worse after David's siblings went home I was so used to having Toby beside me in the bed and cuddling into me I felt like a mommy I know it's the hormones but still i cried for hours my phone suddenly began to ring I looked over to my surprise it was scotty "hey" I say answering the phone "hi baby" he said I smiled feeling a bit better already "you haven't called" I whispered "I'm so so so so sorry" he said "I have been helping build up a stage set" he said "it's ok" I lie "the baby bump has really popped huh" he laughed "yeah it has" I smile rubbing the small bump "I'm excited" he said "I can't wait to see him or her" he said I smiled "you ok I know Toby left" he said "yeah I'm ok" I say "good I miss you" he said "I miss you too" I say feeling myself tear up "I love you" he said I cried "I love you too scotty" he said "don't cry" he whispered "I'm sorry" I say "I'll be back bubba" he said "I promise" he said "ok" I say "SCOTT COME ON" I hear a voice yell I sigh "I'm busy right now ask toddy" he said "it's ok bubs go" I say he sighed "ok I love you" he said "love you too bye" I say "bye baby" he said hanging up I wiped my tears I walked into the living room "what we doing" I say "editing" David said I nodded he looked at me "you ok" he said i nodded "of course" I say "do you want a hug" he said sitting up I nodded feeling myself tear up his face softened he opened his arms I hugged him tightly he kissed my head "aw" Natalie said coming in "what's happened" she said sitting beside me "scotty called" I said "that's a good thing lu" she said softly as David rocked me "I know but I feel so lonely" I say they both fall silent "this isn't fair" I say David kissed my head again "I know" he whispered Natalie stood up "come on get up" she said I looked at her "you can't Just sit here crying whilst he's having fun I won't allow it" she said "nat" David said "no your better then this Lu get up" she said extending her hand I grabbed it she pulled me up "go to your room I'll be a second" she said I shrugged and walked into my room I picked up some laundry throwing it in my basket "ok" she said coming in "we need to get you ready go on in the Shower" she said pulling me into the bathroom "why" I say "just shush and wash your hair" she smirked I groaned she left the bathroom I stripped and got into the shower resting my hand on my bump after I had washed my hair and got out Natalie was back in the bathroom "I'm going to let you relax and I'm going to dry your hair" she said holding up the hair dryer after she dried my hair she straightened it to "I'm going to do my make up" she said "finish getting ready" she said "ok"I question I do make up and go over my hair again to make it perfect I walk out to see Natalie laid out a outfit for a white cardigan and my jeans I smiled pulling them on and adding some heels I looked in the mirror my little baby bump wasn't that noticeable to the average person but me and my friends noticed it "Perfect your ready" Natalie smiled "damn" I say she twirled around "come on" she said grabbing my hand "hello mama" zane said as I walked into the room "hey bitch" I said hugging him "how's zane junior" he said putting his hand on my stomach I rolled my eyes "there fine" I say "ok you ready" he said holding his hand out for me I took it he intertwined our fingers I looked at him smiling we walked out into the car "where Are we going" I say "out" David said "obviously" I sass he laughed we arrived at my favourite restaurant I smiled "you guys" i pout we get out I grab zanes hand again we walked in "I'm going to cover your eyes now" zane whispered using his hands to cover my eyes he walked and I stumbled along we came to a stop "ok" David said zane took of his hands "surprise" I hear I let my eyes adjust heath , Mariah , Carly , Erin , tj , Matt , Jason and his kids all stood there "awww" I say feeling tears in my eyes "what is this" I say "this is celebrating your little peanut" nat said I looked down at my belly I hugged her tightly then everyone else we ordered the food laughed and drank well except me the kids and David "Luna feed that to David" zane said I smiled picking up the little Starter and putting it near David's mouth he took a bite and then I did zane laughed and I giggled "I'm sorry I'm late" a voice said I turned to see Tom "Tommy" I smile he pecked my forehead and sat in beside me "I got caught up in a meeting" he said after everyone greeted him "we only got starters here have some of my cheese balls we get them all the time" I say sliding him the plate "thanks darling" he said we all talked "how's Tom junior" he said "nu uh mr spider man that's zane junior" zane said "what no it's David junior" David said "um excuse me if it's a girl it's definitely Carly junior" Carly said they all started to bicker i was loving this I felt happy happy without Scott I frowned and looked at my stomach "at least I'll always have you" I say "lu" zane said I looked up "you'll have me too" he said "thanks zaney" I say "I love you" he said I looked at him he said it differently then usual "I love you too" I say he smiled nodding

I sat in my room staring at the wall I sighed I missed scott a lot I felt no I know I'm loosing him i don't know what to do I haven't left the house in the past  2 weeks it got worse after David's siblings went home I was so used to having Toby be...

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Lunadavis: me and Dave being the snacks we are 💀@daviddobrikWyattoleff , zayn and 6,280,218 others liked this post Comments;Zane: my video skills 😌 brining all the lavid content Natalienoel; my baby's🥺VlogXsquad; her babys 😳😳😳Datalie: AHHHH ...

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Lunadavis: me and Dave being the snacks we are 💀@daviddobrik
Wyattoleff , zayn and 6,280,218 others liked this post
Zane: my video skills 😌 brining all the lavid content
Natalienoel; my baby's🥺
VlogXsquad; her babys 😳😳😳
Lunadavis; guys we are her baby's because she takes care of us ! Leave Dave and nats socials alone please 🥰 all friends here :)
TomHolland; I missed this part :( lovely evening guys ! 😊
Fan; Tom is such a grandpa
Zayn; 🥵 cheese balls 🥵
Lunadavis: @zayn HAHAHAHAHA
Lunaslife; Tom is around more I love it 💓
Lunadavis; @tomholland it was messy tommy you would of been horrified @lunaslife we are finally not to busy to hang out 🥺🥰
Kyliejenner; your so pretty omg also I need a favour I'm calling you !
Heathhussar; peanut *liked by Lunadavis*
4/20luna: peanut???
Toddy; damn this looks so fun :( miss you
Lunadavis; @toddy FaceTime me tonight :)
Poutygirl; lunch ?
Lunadavis; @poutygirl YES
Addisonsangel; @addisonrae collab ?
Brooklynbeckham; 🥵
Teaspill: ^^^^ what the heck
Krisjenner; 💜💜
Scottysire: Luna baby I changed my user !
Scottysire: also I'm sad this looks amazing ☹️
Scottysire; @brooklynbeckham Lmao
Scottysire; your so pretty
Scottysire: I need to stop commenting
Scottysire; peanut cute !!!!!!
Lunadavis; @scottysire it was fun ! Missing you , what the hell I loved vanilliadingdong ☹️
, aw I love you , it's so cute I know , don't be salty and stop commenting you know call me ? Phew I think I replied to every statement.

Perfect// scotty sireWhere stories live. Discover now