52 "bye bitch"

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"you must be Luna , hi I'm Kristen" oh hell fucking no I thought "yeah hi" I smiled I felt my blood boil "sorry who are you" I said woah that was way bitchy "oh right Kristen sorry" I say she looked relieved she hugged me I reluctantly hugged her back "lu who was it" David said turning the corner his face completely dropped "oh hi KRISTEN" he said I heard everyone shuffling people looking over the couch running to David's side I bit my lip trying not to laugh at the situation "ugh who the heck are you" Toby said looking her up and down I laughed but quickly covered it with a cough "Toby this is Kristen" I say walking towards him "oh" he said plainly I gave him a look he rolled his eyes and walked back into the living room "please come in" I said she walked up and we all sat in a uncomfortable silence "so David your place looks great way different from the last time I was here" she said looking around "hey that's where my scott broke your table making out for a bit" she laughed everyone cringed "wow cute that's where me and Scott got engaged" I say pointing the garden "sweet" she said I smiled nodding my head This bitch "so ugh Kristen did you have fun on your mini break" heath asked "yeah actually I caught up with friends filmed a little stayed with" she began but stopped "who'd you stay with your boyfriend" I asked please say yes "Um no my best friend I'm single" she said "who's your best friend" I ask she seems okay I mean I can't judge her "liza" she said ok I can definitely judge her everyone fell dead silent I looked at her and she just looked back "sorry" I question "Liza , liza Koshy" she says rudely "wow do you bang Jeff on the side" I say my eyes widen at my statement wow I'm that bitch yes go me "no I Thought that was your job no wait he bangs you" she said quickly I looked at her I felt tears fill my eyes no Luna do not fucking cry "you stupid fucking bitch" Mariah said I looked over at her shocked "how fucking dare you come into HER house and say that" Mariah yelled "oh shut up Mariah god knows no one likes you anyways" Kristen shot back "oh hell no" zane said "literally your all a bunch of fucking lowlifes that depend on David to have a career so before you come for me check yourselves" she said my mouth hung open "oh your dead" I say moving Forwards but someone pulls me back I look back at Scott he look MAD "Luna what are you doing" he said "ME SHE" I began "the baby" he whispered I realised he was saying what would of happened if I fought her "wow Look at this even your fiancé knows your a little dirty slut" Kristen said completely out of know where Toby stood up and walked over to her "Kristen" he said sweetly "ye" she scoffed "your a bitch" he said and with that he kicked her in well the vagina but what happened next took me back SHE PUSHED TOBY HARD ONTO THE GROUND "OH HELL NO" Ester screamed suddenly there was a brawl Ester was on Kristens back hitting it "SOMEONE GRAB TOBY" I yelled zane scooped him up thank god kristen got Ester off of her and slapped her HELL NO "oh fuck this" I said I walked right over and grabbed her hair pulling her she yelled out I grabbed her wrists "you listen here bitch you can talk shit about me you can even talk shit about my friends because we don't validate your fucking opinion" I say "but if you put your hands anywhere near my baby or those kids again it'll be the last thing you fucking do" I hiss "got it" I said she then spit in my face I pulled her hair harder "got it" I say "got it" she groaned I then dragged her to the door and pushed her out "oh and touch my man I'll have your head on a stick bye bitch" I say I slammed the door I went back into the living room "did you know she was coming here" I said "no absolutely not" Scott said "you better fire her" I say "baby I can't it's the con" Scott began "I don't care scott look at Toby" I say he sat on David's lap crying "Luna I'm sorry I" he began "just get out Scott" I say "luna please bubba" he says "go it's fine go have fun on your tour" I say looking at him "I can postpone" he said "go Scott please" I say softly he hugged me and kissed my head he grabbed his bags I pecked his lips softly "tell Todd I said hi and I love you" I say "I love you too" he said and with that I watch him get in that car with that bitch I was so angry but just smiled and waved as soon as the car drove off I slammed the door and walked back into the living room I screamed on the top of my lungs everyone looked down I looked across the room at a crying Toby a injured Ester and the mirror seeing my hurt self in it's reflection "Toby hunny" I say he looked over at me "I'm so sorry" I say "it's okay" he sniffled "thank you for being my hero" I say he smiled that signature toothless smile "you too Ester your so brave for doing that for Toby and Mariah thank you so much baby" I say she nodded and Ester blew me a kiss "I Um don't really know what to do" I say sitting on the couch "what do you mean she's gone and definitely won't be coming back" zane said sweetly "but she's gone on a world tour with my baby daddy and I know I'm not the only one who noticed he didn't stand up for me and refuses to fire her he can you always can in a contract" I say "he's gone too you know" I say rubbing my belly "what" Natalie says "Scott I've lost him" I say

Perfect// scotty sireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon