30 "releases and presents"

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"Hey Nat" I yell down the hall "yeah" she yells back "can you come here for a sec" I yell "coming" she yells back and I plop on the couch "what's up" she says "I need to get a few bits for tomorrow and pick up Scott's presents from the stores and post office wanna come " I say "yeah of course I just need to get ready" she says standing up "me to girl me too" I say walking towards my room "hey baby I'm going out" I say "when dose the album drop" Scott questions "oh shit I forgot that was today" I squeal and he laughs "can we go to Olive Garden later to celebrate" I ask and he nods and I text into the group chat to meet at our local Olive Garden at 8pm I then go over to my closet and pick out some "vlouge" sweatpants and a cropped "clickbait" hoodie "bye bubba" I say pecking his lips and he pecks mine back "where you going" he asks "shopping" I say balnkly and then I feel a slap on my ass
"Scott glen sire you just didnt slap my ass" I gasp and he giggles recording me "your going to regret that" I say walking back over to the bed and straddle him and I kiss him wich turns into a heated make out and just as I could tell he wanted more , I got up "baby you have to be kidding me" he groaned and I laughed "don't slap my ass on video ever Again" I say fixing myself "on video" he questions and then I just wink and walk out and I hear him gasp and then laugh "ready" Natalie says to me coming out of Davids room "yeah let's go" I say grabbing her hand (at the mall) "you bought him a Rolex and a Cartier ring" she gasps and I just laughs "yeah Natalie I did and he is so worth it" I say paying the woman "thanks" I say smiling at her and walking out "so how are
Things with David" i ask "great" she says smiling and blushing she is hiding something "what is it , what aren't you telling me" I say and she giggles "he said he loves me" she says and I spit my Starbucks all over the floor and she falls to the ground laughing "no he didn't" I squeal and I help her up everyone I mean everyone is staring "and did you say it back" i say and her smile falls "oh sorr" I begin but she cut me off "obviously dummy" she says and I roll my eyes and shrug "we need to get home" I say and she nods and instantly wips our her phone and starts frantically texting "you ok" I ask giving her a weird look "just telling David to be ready for me" she says "Natalie getting it on" I say hopping into my car and she rolls her eyes "we need to go somewhere dumbass " she says and we both laugh and scream sings all the way back to our house
"Ok that's the one I want" I say handing the name of it and the photo to David and he smiles "I'm so excited" he says "I'm nervous" I state "you already know she is going" but again he is cut off "hi Scott , bye Scott" Luna says coming in and running to our bedroom and closing the door I look at Natalie and she squeals and pulls me into a hug and I laugh at her and hug her tight "Scott" luna says and I turn around to my surprise she attacks we with a kiss "ok now we're leaving" David laughs recording and she just pulls Away flips him off and reattached are lips and they leave laughing "jump" I whisper to her and she jumps and wraps around my waist and I carry her into are
Bedroom I lay Her on the bed and continue kissing her and then ......
I'm just finished showering when there is knock on the bathroom door I wrap my towel around my self and open it "I need to pee and all the bathrooms are full" Mariah says I open the door and she comes in and I start to do my makeup whilst she pees "Mariah" I say as she pulls up her pants ( there best friends so she doesn't mine along with the other girls) "ya" she says washing her hands "Scott is acting strange" I say "how" she adds hopping onto the counter top "well you see" I say but the door bursts open "oh Jesus sorry Luna" heath says "wait riah" he adds and we both start laughing "I was peeing" she says and he just chuckles "girls are weird" he says closing the door "anyway what where you saying" she says "so yeah I was" I say and yet again the door bursts open "Jesus .. wait what are you guys doing" Matt asked "makeup" I say and Mariah says "was peeing" "oops sorry" and he left "so anyways he is just off like on edge" I say and she just chuckles "what" I say pulling on my outfit wich was a black kind sleeve dress , brown knew high boots and a Chanel bag

"He is probably just nervous for your anniversary" she says walking out of the bathroom with me "yeah your right thanks riah" I say pulling her into a hug "you guys ready" David asks nervously "Dave are you ok" I say putting a hand on his shoulder...

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"He is probably just nervous for your anniversary" she says walking out of the bathroom with me "yeah your right thanks riah" I say pulling her into a hug "you guys ready" David asks nervously "Dave are you ok" I say putting a hand on his shoulder "yeah"he says , liar I think to myself but I just smile "ugh what's that smell" I say walking into the living Room "what my salad" Matt says "oh my god throw it out" I say Gagging "no" he responds "Matt I'm going to" I begin but stop myself by running to the bathroom and puking I feel someone pull up my hair as I get sick "are you ok" zane asks whilst I start brushing my teeth go get the taste out of my mouth "yeah I'm fine" I say spitting it out "are you sure Scott" questions "yeah I promise" I say reapplying my lipstick and leaving the bathroom with them "Luna I'm sorry are you good" Matt says pulling me into A tight hug "its fine Matt" I say hugging him tighter (Olive Garden) "oh my god I'm craving broccoli" I state "that's what made you throw up" Matt says "huh" I say "I had a broccoli and crouton salad" he says "uhh the thought of croutons makes me wanna puke again" I say scrunching up my face "are you sure your not pregnant" heath questions sitting forward "what" I say "well when my mom was pregnant the smell of pasta made her puke" he says shrugging "hey what day is it" I whisper to Natalie " Thursday" she whispers back and I do the math in my head "shit" I whisper to her "what" she whispers back "I'm 2 days late" I whisper back "that's pretty normal" she whispers back "yeah your right sorry" I say back shrugging it off "two minutes" David announces and our tables Cheer "hey Scott" I say "yeah" he responds looking at me and I crash my lips onto his "1 minute" David says "I love you" he says leaning his forehead on mine "to the moon and back" I whisper "ITS OUT" he yells and everyone starts cheering and then I hear the songs coming through the speakers of the restaurant "you call me baby girl but you don't love me" I rap along with it "are
You trying to make a fool out of me boy" cardi sings "cause all you ever do is lie all the fucking time" I sing and the others ooh (they rented out the restaurant) "I'm not your butter cup I'm Scott's princess , what's up" I sing along and the others cheer the rest of the evening we dance and laugh together , nothing else mattered in those few hours but soon it was all to change for the better or worst no one knew and either do you

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