51 "jummped"

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In a flash Scott's weekend here had flew by after the events the backyard he didn't leave my side we did everything together and I finally got my phone thank god I walked into the bed room leaning against the door watching scott "hey"I said he looked up "hi baby" he smiled I stood up and walked into the room "I don't want you to leave again bubba" I say I felt my eyes tearing up "I know sweetheart I know" he sighed he hugged me he got on his knees to my belly which popped so my little bump was visible which was kinda gonna be a pain in the ass but I could cover it he kissed my tummy "hey bud" he whispered "I know I'm not with mommy or you right now and I'm really really sorry" he said "I don't want you to forget me be peanut" he said "peanut" I say he nodded "I like it" I smiled he stood up "I love you Luna" he said "and I love you" I smiled I leaned up and kissed him softly we pulled away "so what shall we do on my last day" he smiled "well David brought the kids to six flags and Jason's in Boston" I say "zane and heath are doing the podcast which means Matt and Mariah are so" I say "no ones here then" he says "well we could go hang with Emma I mean she did just break up with Ethan" I say "yeah that totally sucks" he cringes "I'll call her" I say I walk out of the room and into the living room a knock on the door caught my attention I walked towards the door and stopped in my tracks "holy shit" I gasp "SCOTT" I scream I run towards the door "Luna" grayson whispered suddenly he fell to the ground "GRAYSON" I scream "SCOTTY" I scream feeling tears in my eyes Scott ran out "fuck" he said ( a little but later) grayson lay on the couch as I wiped his cut on his forehead "Ethan's on his way" Scott said Coming from the bedroom suddenly the door opened and Emma ran in "what the fuck happened" she said kneeling beside him "he got jumped" I sigh "how did he even get here" Emma asked "he was at the gas station a block away lucky he came here" Scott said "I'm sorry I ruined Scott's last day here" Grayson spoke up "hey hey you didn't we are all hanging out" I say "come on gray sit up" I say I helped him up "they took my money" he whispered "that's ok" I say "Ethan's going to be so mad I was supposed to send that to my mom" he said I could tell he was tearing up "hey hey gray" I said "I'm here I'm here" a voice called Ethan ran in he looked at emma but payed attention to his brother "oh my god gray" he whispered "I'm sorry e I lost the money" Grayson cried Ethan's face fell "gray" he whispered "now moms gonna be all alone" he cried I seen Ethan tear up "dads gone Ethan and now moms money is gone and" Grayson said Ethan also broke down crying "e" Emma whispered he turned to her she wrapped her small arms around his waist "I love you" she whispered he hugged her back "I love you too" he said "I love you both" she said letting go of Ethan and hugging Grayson "friends" she said "yeah friends" Ethan said wiping his tears we all collectively hugged Grayson around a hour later the twins and Emma had left and everyone was back in David's it felt amazing everyone here it was like the good old days before the tour we all laughed at some dumb joke Jonah had made "David can I move here" Ester said "no definitely not" he said we all laughed again "what time is it" Natalie asked "ugh 6:30" Matt said "oh shit I gotta get my bags the car will be here in like thirty minutes" Scott said my heart dropped I felt uneasy I placed my hands on my stomach Scott jogged towards our room "I better help or this will be a disaster" I say everyone laughed with the help of heath I stood up I knew he could sense my unease he smiled at me "thanks" I say just as I walked toward the hallway to our room the door bell rang I'll get it I say as I walked towards the door I got a text it was from kylie something about stormis party in a few days I reached for the door handle and opened the door "hi" I heard I looked up my smile immediately dropping "you must be Luna , hi I'm Kristen" oh hell fucking no I thought

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