46 "sam gets mad"

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"I have to go tell Sam now" I gulp "ooh do it in the meeting room so we can all watch" Tom says I smile and nod "good idea" I say I stand up instantly feeling a little light headed Tom grabbed my hand intertwined our fingers I felt my heart beat pick up slightly I flinch making him look at me "I'm sorry" he says starting to let hop but I tighten my grip "what" I smile
A smirking zane opens the door I walk out "where's sam" I ask Chris he looks at me and Toms hands then back to us "uh conference room" he says "cool come on she's gonna tell him" Tom squeals excitedly he let's go of my hand and darts to the conference room "is it his" Chris whispers as we walk towards the room "what" I say "is the baby toms" he grins "no fuckface" I say the conference room fell silent "that's not very nice language" Chris says trying to get me in trouble with Sam "shut up fuck face" sam says I laugh at Chris who sticks out his tongue at me "so sam" I say sliding into the seat opposite of him "I have some news"I say "close your eyes" David says "and why should I trust this idiot that nearly blew my baby up" sam says we all laugh at David's reaction "hey leave him alone it was a accident" I say "now close you damn eyes" I hiss making him laugh he closes them I take out the "worlds best grandpa" shirt placing it in his hands a pregnancy test in a zip lock bag on top I take a deep breath I look at Tom he was sat at the top of the table he nodded "open up" I whisper he opens his eyes he looks at the test "no" he says "your not pregnant" he says looking me dead in the eyes "your gonna be a grandpa" I whisper he covered his face with his hands taking off his glasses I got up he hugged me tightly kissing my head swaying us he put his hand on my stomach and wiped his tears "I'm so excited" he said as we both sat down "where's scott" he asked wiping a tear my heart dropped "oh yeah" Tom said the others also looking confused "i um" I say looking at David and the others who eyes are wide "he's at" I say but Tom cuts me off "Colorado" he questions looking up from his phone sams head snaps in my direction "what's he doing there" he asks "YOU GOT TO BE SHITTING ME" Tom yells I cringe sam takes out his phone I look down at Tom he's mad I mean mad mad "scotty sire world tour" sam reads I look down at my hands "Luna" he says "yeah" I whisper "dose Scott know about the baby" he says sternly "HE KNEW TWO MONTHS BEFORE HE LEFT" Tom yell jumping up "TOM" I yell "JASON JUST TOLD ME" he yells showing his phone "TWO MONTHS" sam yells "LUNA JAMIE DAVIS WHY DID YOU LET HIM LEAVE" sam yells "HEY , HEY" Natalie yells "HE TOLD HER A LIE OKAY SHE DIDNT KNOW HE WAS LYING BEFORE HE LEFT STOP FUCKING YELLING AT HER SHES PREGNANT AND HER FIANCÉ LEFT SHE DOSENT NEED THIS" Natalie yells everyone fell silent and her face grew red from embarrassment "did you just yell at me" sam said Natalie swallowed down hard "yes , yes I did she was so excited to tell you and you yelling at the poor girl isn't helpful" she states "now apologise" she states "both of you" she says crossing her arms "jeez" Tom mutters I grin looking down "sorry lu" Tom says "it's okay" I say smiling slightly sam stayed quiet "sam" Nat says raising "got quiet a woman there David" he mutters I laugh then stop "I'm sorry hun" he says "it's okay da" I begin but I'm cut off my phone ringing we all look at it "bubba 🖤" flashed on the screen with a picture of me and scotty that zane took I dive for the phone but sam beats me too it he snatched it and put it on speaker "talk" sam mouths "hey babe" Scott says cheerfully "uh hi scott" I say "what ya doing" he asks "just at the office" I say "oh cool" he says sounding distracted "I um" I say "hey hunny oh your on the phone to who oh I see mr.sire" sam says "hey Sam" Scott says "I actually have a question for you" sam says "shoot" Scott says "why the fuck are you in Colorado when you pregnant fiancé is here alone" he says I cringe I look at zane who shrugs "he deserves it" he mouths "did you really tell Sam with out me" Scott says offended my heart sunk a little "excuse me" Tom says standing up "who do you think you are" he says Marching to the top of the room "Tommy stop" I say pushing my chair out I stand in front of him "look at me" I say "LOOK AT ME" I say grabbing his jaw he looks at me "Breathe" I say he breathes heavily "why don't you just kiss him Luna Jesus" Scott says "what the fuck Scott" I say "you didn't answer my question" sam says "because I'm on tour" Scott says I can see him rolling his eyes from here "I only called to check in not to be attacked and hear my girlfriend gushing over another guy" he spits out "are you shitting me Scott" I say "no I'm fucking not" he says harshly "I don't know why your head is shoved up your fucking ass but when you take it out call me back" I say grabbing my phone ending the call I throw it on the table I look at everyone "I'm a idiot let me call him back" I say "NO" they all yell "I need to call him" I begin reaching for my phone Tom grabs it holding it in the air "Tom give me my phone" I say reaching for it he throws it to David I run to him and he throws it to Chris I groan running to him he threw to zane but threw it way to high and it flew out the window everyone looked at me I looked back at Tom "lu" he began "fuck you" I said I walked over and grabbed my shit and left the room I walked down the hall way stopping I let out a chocked sob I started to cry I leaned against the wall and slid Down it "hey" I hear I look up to see Sam "hi" I said wiping my tears I felt him sit beside me "talk to me" he said I look over to him "what if scott breaks up with me" I say looking over at Sam he starts to laugh "it's not funny" I sigh putting my chin on my knee "child that boy has stuck with you last year and this year and you've been through it" he says "he loves you Luna he's clearly annoyed about something different" he says "you sure" I say looking over at him "positive" he says "here" he says handing me his cell and standing up "call him" he says I nod "thanks dad" I say he smiles "love you sweetheart" he says "love you too" I smile I open his phone and put Scott's number in it rings at phew times before it picks up "hey it's me" I say "sorry who is this" a girlie voice says my heart dropped "it's um Luna Scott's fiancé" I say "ahaha I'm just kidding it's me" Todd says "fuck you" I gasp "yo Scott it's for you" Todd says "well considering it's my fucking phone yeah" I hear Scott says I giggle "Luna" Scott asks "hey" I say softly "I'm so sorry" he says I sigh "I tried calling you back I swear to you I call" he begins but I cut him off "Chris threw my phone out of the window" I say suddenly Scott starts to laugh "I'm lucky I just bought the new one the other day but now I need to set it up" I groan I hear Scott chuckle again "I miss you" he whispers "I miss you too" I say my eyes filling with tears "that's it" he says "what" I ask "I'll cancel my push back my Ohio dates and come home this weekend" he says "REALLY" I yell "really" he says I squeal in excitement "oh my god I can show you the baby video today we heard the heart beat" I said suddenly the phone line went quiet "I um gotta go lu" he says "wait scott" I say scoff laughing a little bit "what's wrong" I add "I don't need you rubbing it in about the baby Luna I get it I'm not there I'm sorry ok" he says clearly pissed "no scotty I was just happy to tell you I" I say "I'll see you on the weekend" he says "Scott" I say but he ends the call I lean my head back against the wall I try to stand up but I can't "David" I yell "DAVID" I yell suddenly David runs around the corner I wipe my tears "can you help me up" I say softy his face changes he looks so sad he nods and pulls me up "I'll tell you later , I need to go home" I say he nods we walk back into the room "Luna" Tom says I look at him "when I said fuck off I meant it" I say I hand Sam his phone and kiss his forehead "bye dad" I say I look over at Tom he looks like a lost puppy but I'm mad I needed my phone he shouldn't have done what he did "let's get you home" zane says kissing my head

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