Chapter 1137-1141

Start from the beginning

Present were Great Qin, the Grassi World, the Half-Beast World, the Elf World, and the people from the surrounding worlds.

"This Queen does not have much to say. As long as Great Qin leaves the Elf World and provides the Elf World with compensation, we are willing to settle matters here," a peerlessly beautiful Elven woman with a mature figure and giving off a noble aura said.

"This King does not have anything to say either. Just like the Elf World, as long as Great Qin leaves the Half-Beast World and provides compensation, we won't continue to pursue Great Qin over this!" a valiant-looking big man from the Half-Beast world said.

Following this, the gentle and reserved-looking Grassi man said, "We are of the same mind."

"Hahaha..." Hearing those words, Zhao Fu started to laugh somewhat mockingly. He looked at the three people who had spoken and said, "We think that you're all quite confused! Back then, it was you three who wanted to invade Great Qin, and Great Qin retaliating is simply meting out justice.

"Now, you want Great Qin to leave and provide compensation? Such wishful thinking! It should be you providing Great Qin with compensation for its losses. Great Qin should keep all of the territory it conquered, and you should also each cede one Continent to Great Qin!

"Moreover, you small Kingdoms should provide tribute to Great Qin every year in the form of treasures and women."

Hearing this, the people from the three worlds looked at Zhao Fu furiously and felt somewhat regretful. Why did they not investigate things clearly before attacking? If they had done their research, they would not have faced a monster like the Great Qin Empire.

Now that they heard that Zhao Fu wanted them to cede Continents and provide tribute, wasn't this submitting to Great Qin? It was a complete humiliation.

The valiant-looking Half-Beast man slammed his palm onto the table, resulting in a massive sound and causing the table to crack as he shouted, "Great Qin's Legatee, you're going too far. You're occupying our Continents and we're the ones who have lost the most. You want us to pay tribute to Great Qin? Keep dreaming!"

A trace of anger appeared on Zhao Fu's face as he looked at that Half-Beast man. His terrifying pupils, that he had been hiding, surfaced, causing the Half-Beast man to shiver as a trace of fear welled up within his heart.

A bone-piercing voice sounded out, causing the temperature in the palace hall to plummet. "If you continue speaking to Us like this, We will kill you. With your strength, We can easily crush you to death. Everything that is happening has been brought upon yourselves by your own doing. If Great Qin was not strong enough, it would have been destroyed by your worlds already.

"It was you all who invaded Great Qin first. Great Qin has not used its full strength yet; if you want to fight, Great Qin will gladly fight with you!"

Everyone nervously gulped. Seeing those terrifying pupils in Zhao Fu's eyes, everyone instinctively felt immense danger.

After being looked at directly by those eyes, the Half-Beast man's body went weak, and he could not speak. He could only sit back down.

Everyone felt quite shocked after hearing Zhao Fu's statement about Great Qin not using its full strength yet. They were not sure about Great Qin's true strength; it was possible that Great Qin was still holding back.

Chapter 1138: Risen to Fame

Zhao Fu said, "Have you considered Our proposal?"

Everyone started to feel quite nervous and did not know how to respond. They looked at each other, and in the end, the Elf woman spoke first. Her attitude was not as strong as before, and she said somewhat weakly, "Your demands are too much; we're unable to agree!"

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