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Please read everything below.

A U T H O R' S N O T E:

Hello, beautiful reader that I don't know. Thank you for choosing to read this book. I do hope you'll enjoy it, share your thoughts on it and bless it with your votes.

The reason for this note is to notify you that, aside for the fact that I'm the author of this book, the contents written on every chapter of this book has nothing to do with my personal life. I don't want you getting it all twisted because it's written in a first persons point of view.

Every chapter has it's own story to tell and not just a story but something most people, especially Nigerians, would relate to. So don't hesitate to add ideas, comment your experience and share your thoughts. Thanks.

D E D I C A T I O N:

Firstly, this book is dedicated to my father in heaven (God) for giving me the strength and knowledge to write this and lastly, to the beautiful reader who decided to read this. Thank you🖤

C O P Y R I G H T:

Contents of life.

Written by: Flourish Ruth Felix. (love_richie.)
Copyright ©️ 2020.
All rights reserved.™️

My book may not be perfect but I am dedicating my time and efforts to make it what it is today therefore, No part of this book may be translated, reproduced or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording and / or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author.

R E M I N D E R:

This book is a complete work of fiction / a product of my imagination so no name, event or happening in this book are real. If any is found common or same as real life event or happening, then it is totally coincidental and shouldn't be taken personally or seriously.



1. This book is undergoing it's first stage of editing process. I type and edit with my phone which is quite not easy. You will see '*edited' below every chapter that has been edited. But if in case you find any errors, you are free to pick them out for me. Remember, no one is above mistakes.

2. I only appreciate polite constructive criticism or feedbacks on my message board. Any destructive criticism would be deleted.

3. ⚠️ This book might contain a lot of emotions, a silver of violence, strong language. It would give you a mixed feeling. So if you're not okay with it, then... You know what to do.⚠️

5. ⚠️Even as the author of this book, I do not in anyway condone any of the character's actions and what they do or say is not always my point of view.⚠️

6. You might not be in support of things done or some decisions made by characters in this book so you can comment your thoughts about the characters or your dislike for any but I would not tolerate any insults directed at me (the author). Be warned.⚠️

7. ⚠️You might come across incidents that doesn't make sense or does not normally occur in our everyday life but DUH!.. That's why it's fictional.⚠️

8. Stealing my work is a sin and God would be the one to punish you if you ever do it. Be creative my dear. Work out your own ideas. I'm sure it would be interesting. Remember, I DO NOT HAVE SEVEN HEADS!

Hope you grab?

S T A T U S:

STARTED: May 4th, 2020
COMPLETED: Pending...

EDITING DONE BY: love_richie for now.

CURRENT OVERALL COVER: stylesoftimothee

PS: Although the graphics or images doesn't belong to me, all covers / chapter covers in this book are made by me. (the author) Except indicated otherwise.

All that said, I hope you ENJOY!

With love💛

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