24. Sides

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I sat talking to Alice as we ate our breakfast. "So, you have all the extra classes?" I asked and she nodded as she took a bit of her sandwich. "How, do you go to all of them?" I asked and she laughed. "I will tell you later because-" I cut her off with nodding knowing why she won't tell me now. I looked at Harry and Ron who were looking rather sly. "What's up?" I asked and they looked at me. "Nothing," Ron said and Harry nodded as an agreement with him. I could see them looking at Alice. It was about Sirius Black, but they did not want to talk about it beside her.

I was done eating my breakfast and walked out with Ron and Harry. "I don't know how you can hang out with her! She is helping Sirous to take Harry" Ron said. I felt myself go on fire. "Ronald, you don't know her. She is not helping him" I said seriously. "The whole school knows that she is!" Ron screamed. "Ronald Weasley! Do not judge her from her father! She is not helping him!" I screamed mad at him. "I see, you're on her side" Ron mumbled and walked away with Harry following him. 

I walked to my potion class mad. I sat beside Alice trying to be calm and nice. I managed to get my nerves down. She told me about her necklace, and I realized that Hermione had one too.  After potion we went our ways, I had herbology next with Hufflepuff. I sat down in the last row alone until a boy sat beside me. "Alex," He said and reached his hand out. He was in Hufflepuff. "Olive," I said and shook his hand. We talked a little and did our work. "I need to go-to defence against dark arts class now," I said as we walked out of the class. He nodded and we said goodbye. I walked in and sat behind the twins. 

"Your little brother is an asshole," I said and crossed my arms. They looked at me. "What did he do?" They asked together. "He said that Alice is trying to help Sirous and then got mad at me because I said that she didn't," I said and huffed my cheeks. "that boy is dead," George said as he turned around because Professor Lupin came in. The class started, we did some theory and then practised spells. 

We walked out of the class and went to our next one, soon enough dinner time was there. We walked to the great hall and I went to the Slytherin table as they went to Gryfindor. I ate my dinner peacefully and read my book. I had less time to read since I met Fred and George, I did not complain although. 

As I was finished with eating I went out of the hall to the library to give back the book I just finished. I gave it back and was about to find a new one when the twins walked into the library. They walked over to me. "I will just find a book," I said and walked to the muggle section. They walked behind me. I picked a book and checked out. We walked out. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Room of requirements?" Fred said. "I find Alice first, meet ya there," George said and made a turn to the Ravenclaw common room. I took Fred's hand into mine as we walked. 

We walked three-time beside the same wall and finally, the door appeared. The room looked the same besides the two kings sized bed on each side. I looked at Fred. "one for me and one for you" I said jokingly. "I thought more, one for me and you and one for George and Alice," He said and closed the door. He pulled me in by the waist. "Hmm, too bad," I said and run to the bed and jumped on it, landing face down first. Fred was laughing as I winced in pain. 

He laid down beside me. "Let's go sit on the sofa," He said and I nodded. He took my hand grading me to the sofa. I sat beside him putting my legs over his. There was some muggle alcohol and some wizard alcohol. I took vodka in my hand. "You would die after 3 shots," I said as I looked at Fred. "I bet I won't," He said and I shook my head. "I ain't betting on that Freddie," I said teasingly and he shrugged. 

Soon enough Alice and George came in. "Finally! YOu two have been taking so long!" I said as they sat down beside us. "Let's play a game!" I said. "Sure, what game?" Alice said as she looked around. "Truth or dare," I said and she nodded. "We are in," The twin said together. "Who wants to start?" I asked as I took fire whiskey and poured some into glasses. "I can," Fred said as he took a glass. "Alice," He said and took a sip before asking her "Truth or dare?". "Truth," She said and took a glass. "Do you liked Georgie?" He asked with a smirk. Alice and George went red, but Alice's cheeks were slightly redder. "Yes," She said quickly and drank the fire whiskey. 

"Olive, Truth or Dare?" She asked me. "Dare," I said and laughed. "I dare you to... stuff ice into your bra and let it be there for 60 seconds," She said and everyone started laughing. "That is the most ridiculous dare," I said as I took the ice and stuffed it down my shirt hissing at it being cold. "It so damn cold," I said as she counted down. I took it out at zero. "My bra is wet now!" I said and laughed. "George, Truth or dare?" I said. "Dare," He said and shrugged. "I dare you to draw a tattoo on your biceps with a marker," I said and everyone laughed as he drew a small flower which looked very... well it didn't look right. 

Just another Slytherin || Fred Weasleyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن