21. Pictures

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"Can I come in now?" I heard George say through the door and I laughed harder and Fred joined me. I pulled away from Fred and said: "Yes". George walked in as he looked at us. "Who was the picture?" I asked. "Well there are more, Ron outed us out because he forgot to take the flash off," He said. "Who has them?" I asked. "Right now?" He said as he sat down on his bed. I nodded and crossed my arms. "Mum," He said and I and Fred went red. Perfect, Molly had the pictures. 

"Ginny will get them back soon probably," He said. "I will wait till tomorrow," I said and lied down on Fred bed. Fred lied down beside me. I yawed and turned my back on George as I cuddle into Fred. I heard a gagging sound behind me and laughed. "Hey George look at this," I said and kissed Fred. "Please stop now," George said after a while. I stopped kissing Fred. Fred was very red and was kind of confused. I stood up and took my pyjamas. I walked to the bathroom and changed. I fell asleep pretty soon after. 

I woke up and put some clothes on. The twins were not in bed, probably already downstairs eating. I walked downstairs for Molly to walk to me and hugged me. "Welcome to the Family! I'm so happy! You two are so good together!" She said as she hugged me. "Thank you," I said trying not to be awkward. I sent a glare to the four from yesterday as they tried looking away from my gaze. I sat down beside Fred and said Good morning to him. He said good morning back and kissed my cheek. I blushed as he did so. he took my hand under the table. I started eating and talking to people. Most of them were talking about me and Fred. I was talking to Percey. "I don't understand how someone can like him," He said to me. I knew that he was Fred's brother but he was the biggest prick ever. 

We finished eating and I took Ginny for a swim in the lake. We were swimming and talking about stuff. "So, Potter?" I said and raised my eyebrow at her. She blushed and shook her head to no. "I ship it!" I said and made a high pitches noise. She rolled her eyes and splashed water at me. "Ey! Not nice!" I said and she laughed. We went back and I was teasing her about Harry all the way back. I run into the house and screamed: "I know who Ginny likes!". Fred, George and Ron were soon beside me. "I will kill-" I cut Ron off. "I won't say it now," I said. I was not planning to. I wanted to tease Ginny and Them. They groaned and hit Fred at the back of the head. 

I skipped to the twin's room and they walked behind me trying to get the information out but I would not tell them. I fell asleep as they tried to actually. I woke up the next morning, Fred was up but not George. "What time is it?" I asked. "Early, no one is up yet beside us," He said. I stood up and nodded. "I will get a coffee, gonna come with?" I asked and he nodded. We walked done stairs. 

I was leaning against the kitchen counter and drinking when Fred trapped me between his arms. I raised my eyebrow at him. "What is it, boyfriend?" I asked teasingly. "Well, Girlfriend, I thought that I could steal another kiss from you, how does that sound?" He said smirking. "Hmm, sounds good to me boyfriend," I said and he kissed me. I kissed him back. We pulled away to see Charlie and George sitting at the table drinking something. "Good morning," They said and smirked. I blushed. "for fuck's sake," I said under my breath as they scared me. Fred pulled away and sat down. I sat down beside him. We didn't say a word. 

"How did you two sleep?" Charlie asked and smirked. "I slept good, thank you," I said and drank my coffee ignoring his smirk. "So did I," Fred said and shrugged his shoulders as he took Georges cup and drank from it. "Oh, here, the pictures," Charlie said and gave me some pictures. I took them and blushed. I looked at them, well at least our first kiss was captured on wizard pictures. The two bodies on the pictures moved in sync. 

I gave them to Fred and he looked at them. He smiled and took them into his pocket. I would get some of them after. They were really pretty, to be honest. They weren't all of us kissing, some were just us laughing while splashing water at each other. Soon enough was Molly up and we were eating breakfast. I decided to let Molly cut my hair to shoulder length. She made my hair go back to black. Honestly, I looked better with short hair. 

George was sad that I was not ginger anymore and laughed as I hit him, on the other hand, Fred was in awe as he saw me with my normal black hair cut shorter. George then started saying that now we can't use my hair to clip up to something, because if I just let it grow out then I could. I just laughed at him and let his go on with his nonsense about long hair and it could be magical and I cut it so now it is not. 

Ginny liked my hair too, she said it just fit me better. I stopped putting my hair into a ponytail so much as it was harder, most of the time I just let it flowed. Fred said that I look pretty in both styled but he liked more when my hair is down. I flipped him off jokingly and put my hair up. 

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