5. Progress

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The twins made chaos in school sometimes. Like when we were eating dinner in the great hall. It was peacefully day. I saw eating and reading my book. I looked up just in time to see Snape's food explode onto his face. He got so mad but everyone was laughing. Even Dumbledor laughed. He was furious. The twins probably got weeks of detection. He looked like he would rip off their heads. 

I laughed as they were dragged by ears out of the great hall. I had a good laugh that day honestly. Even McGonagall smiled a little. It was a good laugh for the whole school. The first year warmed up a little after that. The whole hall roared with laughter. It felt like home. Warm and full of laughter. The smile didn't leave my face that day. As hard it is to admit, sometimes those bloody idiots were brilliant. 

They pranked me for the first time in the second month of school. I forgot my bag one of my classes. I found it the next day. I opened the bad and 100 of fake snakes fell out making me scream but laugh after. I looked at the twins and shook my head while laughing. They were laughing too. I think it was the first moment we did not hate each other so much. 

I still hated them, but maybe not as much. They were humans after all. So was I.... but I don't think they really thought about that then. We were kids too... and their brother Percy was actually a bigger prick than they. 

The school year went by quickly. The bullying did not get better but I got used to it. It was almost Christmas when I decided to prank the twins. I was listening in for the Gryfindor passwords over the weeks. I changed my robes that they looked like Gryffindor robes. I walked into the Gryffindor common room successfully.

Now, I needed to get to their rooms and that was the hard part. I remembered that my broom was somewhere near. I opened the window and called it to me. I flew upstairs and went into the room. I started painting their belongings green and silver. I put some fake snakes under their pillows too. I hid under the other bed and waited. 

They walked in and started cussing. I stood up from the bed and started laughing. "How did you get in?" George asked. "Gryffindor has an easy password..." I said. "Red suits you," Fred said and laughed. "Well, thanks. Oh, and its muggle paint so, have fun taking it off." I said and sat down on the stairs as they transformed into a slide. I walked out of the Gryffindor common room and charged my robes back to Slytherin. 

It would take some time before they got the paint off. I didn't care though. Sometimes, someone needs to prank them and I am that someone. 

Soon Christmas was there. I stayed at Hogwarts, so did the twins. It was a war between us. One time we started a food fight and got detection, and in detection, we got more detection for splashing paint all over each other. It started to be more friendly war then hate war, but I still could not stand them sometimes. 

When the Christmas break was over the wars ended. I had to study for OWL's and did not pay attention to them. A lot changed after Christmas for me... my arms started looking horrible. That's why I always covered them. If you saw my arms then, you would see a bunch of red lines on them. I was a child then, only 12 years old and my hands looked like that. 

I studied hard for OWL's and I nailed them. They went absolutely good. My grades were very good and I was proud knowing that I worked for them. Soon enough, I was standing at a train station getting on the train back to the orphan. I walked in. I saw that the twins were sitting in a compartment alone. I walked in and put my truck on the shelf. 

"What is up, gingers?" I said and sat down. My book in my lap. "Thinking about next prank for you," Fred said. "Dear Freddie, I been planing mine from Chrismas," I said and laughed. "You are not that bad, are you?" George said. I laughed and shook my head. "Wow, you started to use your head I see. Yes, I am not that bad" I said and they laughed. "You are still Slytherin tho" Fred said. I rolled my eyes. 

"Sorry, that I am a Slytherin even if I can't choose that. Sorry, that you are being insecure about Slytherin not being a stereotype Fred" I said and started reading my book. "Jerk" I muttered under my breath. "Hey, Slytherin! What are you reading today?" I heard George say. I look up. "Well it is a romance, but with two girls... muggles still," I said. "Wait! You like girls?" George said and laughed. My cheeks went red. "I like girls and boys..." I said and laughed with him. "I didn't know that someone can do that," He said honestly as he raised his eyebrow. 

"Well if you ever get a boyfriend or girlfriend, they need to watch out more" George joked and we laughed. "Okay, if like anyone would like me," I said and laughed. "There will always be someone who likes you," George said. "I mean, you are smart and pretty, you just need more confidence," George said. "Sorry, but I don't like when people lie to me. Grow up and get some glasses. Didn't you hate me two hours ago? Decide if you hate me or not" I said and walked out of the compartment. 

Just another Slytherin || Fred Weasleyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें