16. Molly Weasley

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The train has stopped moving. We were at platform 9 & 3/4. I stood up and took my truck off the shelf. The shelf is on the same level as the last time I was on the train. I didn't grow at all for almost a year, I realized it and my mouth formed a straight line. I turned to the twins and Alice. We walked out of the train. Alice was the first to say goodbye. She hugged me as she said goodbye. She kind of surprised me for hugging me but I hugged back. She walked away. 

"Our mother would like to meet you," George said and Fred nodded leaning his arm on Georges's shoulder. I felt the awkwardness wash over me. I already knew that she won't like me. I just nodded as to say, Okay let us do this. I walked behind the twins, fiddling with my hands. I put my hands into the Gryffindor jacket that I stole from Fred.  He didn't mind because it started to get kind of small. The jacket was kinda big on me. We stopped walking and I walked up to the twins. 

"Mom, this is Olive" Fred and George said as she stopped hugging them. She looked at me. "Oh, how lovely you look! I thought you were a Slytherin, you are so beautiful my dear" She said and hugged me. I put my arms around her too trying not to be rude. "Sorry, I'm Molly," She said. "It is nice to meet you, Mrs Wealsey," I said. "It is lovely to meet you too my dear! So those two lied to me? They said you were Gryffindor" She said. "Well, I am a Slytherin. I am just wearing Fred jacket..." I said and looked down at my hands in embarrassment. "I could tell, that the jacket was a little too big for a small girl like you," She said. 

"You should maybe come over for dinner one day?" She said. I looked up at her. "It would be lovely, but I don't know if I can," I said. "Who are your parents?" She asked still with a smile. My smile dropped.  I could hear the twins hissing some things to their mother. "I don't know them," I said and smiled. "Oh, I'm so sorry dear," She said and took my hand in one of hers. "Its okay Mrs Weasley," I said and reassured her with a smile. "Well, I hope you will be able to come for dinner or to a sleepover. I need to go and find my daughter now, Goodbye my dear" She said. "Goodbye," I said. She walked away looking for Ginny. 

The twins were looking at me. "We are sorry for-" I cut them off. "It is okay. It does not matter" I said and shrugged. "She is so nice, I don't understand how the woman you described is the same woman I met," I said and we laughed. "Well, she is nice to everyone but when you do something that you should not and you are her children... better run boy," Fred said and George nodded. 

"Well, I hope she liked me..." I said and laughed under my breath. "She did- trust us," Fred and George said. "You two need to stop talking like that..." I said. "Like-" "This" George begun and Fred finished. "Yes, like that," I said. I looked at the clock. I huffed my cheek knowing that I need to go. I looked at them. "I need to go, send me owls and don't do anything stupid okay?" I said. "We can't promise anything," They said together. I punch both of them playfully into the chest. Both of them overreacted and started being dramatic, acting like they are dying. I rolled my eyes while laughing. 

"Okay, I really need to go," I said and they stop. I go to hug George first and punch him in the hand after. I hug Fred after. Fred pulled me into him even stronger than George did and didn't let me go for a longer time. My feet raising a little from the ground, but soon enough I was on the ground and not in his arms anymore. I could see that by a little Fred face was sadder than Georges. He was trying to mask it. I could see that his smile was just a little too small, his posture just a little too strong. I smile and punch him too in the arm, but he takes my arm and iggs me again. When he lets me go George is gone. 

"I need to go, Fred," I said and smiled at him. "If you need anything, just send me an owl okay?" He said. I nodded and blush as I feel his hand on my cheek. He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. "Be more careful." He said and let me go. My face was probably as red as a tomato. "I will," I said. "Bye," I said and smiled sadly. "Bye," He said. I started walking away. I went to the parking lot. I was standing and looking for a car, hoping that this wasn't just a dream that I would need to wake up and feel stupid. It wasn't, which made me smile like a little kid. 

I sat into the car with the orphan worker. I waited till I was in the orphan. I said Hello to everyone and ate dinner. The food here was always so disgusting. I ate it without a word. I was not going to complain. I went to my room and hoped that they will let me go to a sleepover in the Weasleys house. I didn't like being here at orphan. To the other kids in my age, I was just a freak. I hated it here, but it was my "home". I was gonna live here till I am 18... I knew that when I am 18, I would move out as fast as I can. 

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