3. Amortenita

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I walked through the hallways. Knowing that the twins had something planned up. I just waited for it. I walked to the library and sat down in a corner. I took the book out and started reading. I saw the twins sneaking into the library with the corner of my eye. They went behind the advanced magic section. Like they were smart enough. I didn't buy it. I got my things together and walked out. As I opened the door and walked out, red paint splashed over me. I looked behind me to see the twins laughing. 

I raised my eyebrow and took my wand out. I stared levitating George and put him on a shelf and walked out. Stupid boys. I didn't care, that they were in Gryffindor. I did not hate Gryffindor and I thought that red was a pretty colour like gold. I didn't like them because they judged people from their houses. Put them into the stereotypes, like jerks.  

I walked to my dorm and washed the paint off. I walked out of the bathroom and went to the next class. I sat down beside Fred and George and smiled at them. I was just being petty and teasing them. Snape started talking about potions and I started to make notes. "Mr, Weasley, What is the strongest Love potion?" Snape asked. We looked at twins wondering which one. 

"Fred Weasley" Snape said to clarify which one. I could see that he did not know. I rolled my eyes and wrote on my paper the answer and showed the book to him. "Amortenita, sir," Fred said after looking at my paper. "Correct, Ms Peterson, Five-point from Gryffindor and Slytherin for cheating," Snape said. I banged my head down on my desk. "Fantastik," I said under my breath. 

"It is your fault that Gryfindor lost point!" Fred said. "Slytherin lost point too! besides I was trying to help you, you ignorant red hair!" I said. "Who cares about Slytherin? Bloody rich people that think they can buy pride" He said. I looked at him. "Stop putting every Slytherin under the same hat!" I said and I started to get so mad at him. "You are just another Slytherin, with their minds showed up their asses!" He said George was talking with Angelica on the other side. "You bloody... idiot!" I said and stormed out of the class.

 I was so done with that ignorant red-haired Weasley. He was so stupid. Thinking he can do anything he wants. I just wanted to hit him so badly. I walked to my next class. We had it with Hufflepuff so that was at least a good thing. I didn't eat dinner that day. I could not stand to see that face. He thought that all the Slytherin are Rich and pure blood and buy their way into the system. 

I was not rich, I did not know if I was pure blood and I did not buy my way up anywhere. I studied hard for my grades and tried my best. He- he was an ignorant boy that whole life was around his brother and pranks. Thinking he can do anything and sat anything to anyone. 

I stopped doing pranks back. I tried to ignore them as much as I could. I did not sit close to them, rather on the other side of the room. If they pranked me I did not give them a reaction. I just walked away. I ignored their existence completely. Like they never existed and never will. 

The school was ending soon and we were done with our OWL's. I was happy with my grades knowing I did my best. We had less work as there was one week before we are done with this school year. The classes were more relaxed as we just went over the thing we learned this year. 

Hogwarts was like home to me. I did not want to go back to the orphan. I wanted to stay here and never go back. Being there just made me so sad, I had nothing to do, I slept all the time and ignored everything. 

Soon enough we were at the train station. I walked onto the train and sat down in an empty compartment. I realized that I grew a little through the year as the shelves seemed like they went down. I could place my truck on it and I did so. My puberty started hitting me too. Slowly but it did. 

I was reading my book when two red hairs disturbed me with walking in and sitting down. I glared at them. "what's with the face, Slytherin?" George said. "Well, I am trying not to punch someone that is talking to me," I said without looking up to him. "What are you reading? Let me guess! How much you hate muggles!" Fred said. "Actually, I am reading a book written by a Muggle about a muggle boy," I said and looked up. "Yeah, sure," George said and rolled his eyes. 

"You can read the back blurb..." I said with confidence. "Oh, wait! You cant read, can you?" I said and smirked. We could be both jerks. George took the book from me and read the back blurb. He gave me back. "What? Feeling stupid? You should" I said and went back to reading. Not paying attention to them. 

I was almost done with the book when we arrived at the station. I took my trunk and walked out. I didn't bother to say anything to those jerks. I walked out of the train station and found one of the Orphan workers. They took me back "home". If you can call it home. 

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