This Is Where It Begins

Start from the beginning

Ricken speaks, a small smile forming on his kind face, "It's okay, don't worry about it. I know you have a lot on your plate! I know," he stops, taking his hand from my shoulder and placing it on his own chin in thought, "I'll bring you some more water, just stay put!"

With that, he turns and hurries out the tent flap, the sun burning it's way through the hole for the few seconds it was open, then shutting again. I am left there standing, staring at the way the flaps move back and forth, in a groggy state.

Today was not a good day.


The way the light shone on the dark blue hair was mystical, it was such a pretty hair color. I found myself comparing it to my own dulled shade of orangish/yellow. Dark hair was so beautiful, especially on that pale skin and with those complimentary dark eyelashes..

Frederick clears his throat, "Maelys, your thoughts?"

I turn to him, confused for only a few moments then remember what we had been discussing, "Oh, obviously both routes are dangerous, going through the forests has little vision for far off attacks, limited movement especially for mounted soldiers and far too many surprises, yet on the other hand it offers protection and increases the quicker units likelihood of attacks from all sides, and the archers can clearly shoot down from the trees, if need be.." I trail off, glancing at the blue hair again.

She is so gorgeous, I wonder what she would have looked like if I had given birth t-

"What about the main path?"

"It's a complete trap." I reply, catching Frederick's eyes, "They will assume we will not take the main path, because who does that, correct? They will think ahead far enough to know that we should take the forested route, but.. Knowing that I am in their ranks and leading our army, they will stay on the main path, thinking they had outsmarted me but, on the contrary I have outsmarted them by taking a completely different way that no one thought of."

This time, Chrom speaks, "What in Gods name are you suggesting?" I glance at him, and then at his daughter, Lucina, the one I had been off and on staring at this entire time, she looks at me strangely, and I take another breath before launching into my explanation.

"On the map, you can see there's yet another road over here," I point on the map, its a small squiggly line, that symbolizes it's a old merchant road. They usually are invested with raiders, Gypsies and thieves, as well as rabid animals. No army should ever be able to fit or use such a rundown way, yet.. It was exactly what we needed to avoid the army intending to surprise us.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Frederick exclaims, and I cross my arms, as he starts his ranting. "How are we ever going to get all of our men and supplies through there without being robbed or worse.. Attacked by a diseased bear!"

His foolishness irritates me as I narrow my eyes, "So you want to face a force of very skills assassins, capable of taking each and every one of us out within a blink of an eye, because I can assure you that is exactly what will happen if we face these Valmese traitors."

The group we were facing was one of usually high paid mercenaries from Valm, they fought with the main army for quite a few battles, but we received word from some scouts that they had branched off, eager to destroy the Exalt and his army before their general could, just out of spite.

With no clear guidance, I was sure they were even more dangerous than the General, royal main armies have an honor code to hold up, or their soldiers drag each other down in battle.. But these assassins had absolutely no care in the world, and would murder even their own if needed.

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