chapter 7 - jealousy

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Kie jumped out handing an envelope to John B with bird written on it. "holy shit this is from my dad" John B freaked. "UH code red square troopers" JJ said quickly grabbing Maeve's hand. "lights off" they all said as john B struggled. "screw this" Kie said as they all started running and jumping the fence. "guys im stuck" Pope said as his pants were stuck on the fence. The others started to pull him as his pants ripped off. Maeve could not stop laughing as JJ pulled her to the van. They all quickly jumped in Maeve still laughing and look at JJ who was looking right back.

They finally got back to John B's, as JJ prepared a sandwich for himself. "you know that sandwich had mould on it three days ago" Pope pointed out. "really JJ?" Maeve questioned trying to grab the sandwich. But JJ quickly took a bite immediately spitting it back out. "told you" Maeve chuckled staring at JJ's grossed outface. John B started opening the letter to reveal a map. "oh x marks the spot" Pope pointed out. But then John B also pulled out a tape recorder. "what's that?" JJ asked. "tape recorder dumbass" Maeve said hitting him. John B started playing the recorder as the others listened. The recording stopped as John B started breaking down. "he did it, he found the merchant" JJ started to get excited. "JJ shut up" Maeve said angrily. Kie went to comfort John B as JJ looked into Maeve's eyes, both thinking what this is going to mean for the pogues.

They now sat out on the dock as Kie played the ukulele. "how much again?" JJ asked. "400 million" Pope answered. "alright let's talk split, now before we say evenly just remember I am the only one with protection" JJ started. "you have had zero training" Pope interjected. "yo at least a 5 percent bump, any objections, no I didn't thinks so" JJ kept going. "ok well, Pope what are you going to do with 100 millioM?" Kie asked. "umm probably pay for college in advance and text books they're expensive" Pope answered. "what about you kie?" JJ asked. "yeah what doe a socialist do with millions?" pope laughed. "well I'd make a double album, record in studios" Kie answered smiling. "I know what im gonna do" JJ claimed. Maeve looked at him smiling as he continued. "I'm gonna get a big ass house in figure 8 and go full kook, marry Maeve and live there with her forever" JJ claimed smiling at Maeve. "well I guess I'd live in figure 8 with my husband" Maeve laughed. "what are you gonna do JB?" Pope asked. "to going full kook" he said as the others repeated him.

The next day they boated down as they saw a fancy boat JJ pointing out exactly what it was. "hate to break it to you guys but that's Topper and his girlfriend" Kie realised. They were standing there like a king and queen. JJ grabbed Maeve mocking what Topper and Sarah looked like making Maeve laugh. "you don't have to act like you don't see us bitch" Kie yelled. JJ let Maeve sit down still wondering when she was gonna tell him about what was happening. They'd made it to enemy lines according to JJ. Unfortunately JJ pulled out his gun, "seriously JJ put it back" they all said. They walked in following JJ "hey mama L" JJ laughed as he was scolded by the women. They entered the room with the computers. "let me get in there and check my Instagram models" JJ said, "we don't have time for that shut up" Kie whacked him but Maeve also whacked him. "what was that for" He pretended to be hurt. "you know why" Maeve said sternly. Pope and John B entered the co-ordinates as JJ was staring at Maeve, "hey stop" she said "well I didn't get my models so you're much better" JJ laughed. They all heard people coming suddenly so they hurried. Coming up with a new plan which now included robbing the salvage yard. After convincing Pope they all started the next plan on this adventure.

They were in the van planning what they would do as of course JJ rolled a joint. "ok which is it fantasy or reality?" Pope asked referring to the situation at hand. "fantasy but possible reality" kie said. "reality" John B said sure. "virtual reality" JJ muttered. "you maeve?" Pope asked. "reality" she said kicking at JJ. They finally arrived at the salvage yard. "ok be careful" JJ said grabbing Maeve as she got out. "ok I got this, I also don't see why Kie couldn't do this?" Maeve asked as she walked away. "um cause no one looks like you" JJ said to the others who all agreed but Maeve was already gone. "yo she doesn't realise how hot she is though" JJ said to the boys. "JJ look I agree but shut up" John B said as Pope nodded watching Maeve walk. "hey hey look away" JJ said getting Pope's attention. Maeve took her hair out and swung her hips JJ could not stop looking. "hey I got a flat tyre was wondering if you could take a look?" she asked flirtatiously. "oh yeah sure" the guard stammered as he walked to get the stuff. "too easy" she muttered turning around seeing the boys watching her, she winked as the boys were in their own conversation surprisingly about Maeve.

"so JJ seriously what's going on between you and Maeve?" John B asked. "look I can't lie she's literally beautiful, like I want to marry her" JJ confessed. "but she won't ever look at me that way" he said sadly. "look JJ I know we have the rules but you two are like meant to be" Kie said. "tell her that" JJ muttered. They shut up as Maeve came into view again. "yeah it's just the back tyres" she said a she touched his shoulder. JJ felt a little jealous as he stared down the guy as they ran through the yard. "I got this" the guard said looking Maeve up and down. All of a sudden Maeve heard the dog going off. "you hear that?" the guard asked getting concerned as Maeve went around trying to let air out of the other tyre. The security guard came over and caught her. The guard instantly started running. "no wait shit" Maeve muttered. Maeve waited in the van and thankfully everyone came. "thank god" Maeve was relieved.

They pulled up to Kie's restaurant everyone starving. They waited as Kie talked to her dad. "sooo Maeve" JJ started as he leaned over her as she was sitting. "uh yes JJ?" she questioned suspiciously. "you're pretty good at flirting" JJ said. "were you jealous?" Maeve laughed. "yess" "mhm" Pope and John B laughed as well. "agh shut up" JJ huffed as he sat down pouting. Luckily Kie's dad had agreed to give them food, they stuffed their faces. Kie and John B started dancing as the others looked at each other Maeve noticing the way Pope looked at Kie. JJ grabbed Maeve's hand forcing her to dance with him, Maeve hated to say but she didn't resist as she smiled. JJ pulled her in and dipped her as their faces were extremely close about to kiss but they remembered the others were there. Maeve couldn't help but feel something, did she like JJ? Safe to say she was a bit freaked by the feelings she had just from him holding her.

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