chapter 2 - agatha

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Maeve looked out at the Surge. "shit you're kidding me right" Maeve muttered. "What scared" John B laughed as he ran out jumping into the waves JJ following behind him. "I'm out for sure" Maeve said turning around going back to John B's house known as the chateau.

Maeve woke up feeling arms wrapped around her waste feeling JJ's blonde hair on her neck. She saw John B "yo been outside" he questioned. "nah I got polio, cant walk" JJ muttered. Maeve pushed him off her as he fell to the ground "ah come on" he grumbled from the floor. Maeve just looked at him shrugging her shoulders following John B. "shit, Agatha did some damage" Maeve said as she looked at the wreck of John B's yard. JJ questioned John B's DCS meeting but that was shut down real quick by John B's urge to fish. "come on Maeve, your mum will be fine at home" JJ shouted trying to convince her to fish. Maeve shifted uncomfortably knowing that her mum was long gone. "um yeah let's go. She's fine" Maeve muttered jumping into the boat. Maeve laid on the front of the boat in her bikini and jean shorts. JJ and John b just commentating the leftovers of Agatha hurricane. They arrived at Pope's dock "well look who we have here" JJ said in a funny voice "we have a safety meeting, attendance mandatory" JJ yelled through a fake walkie talkie. "cant man, dad's got me on lock down" Pope argued. Maeve knew they'd win him over as she smiled watching the boys. "your dad's a pussy over" JJ said again through the fake walkie talkie. "oh I heard that you little bastard" Pope's dad claimed. "come on man, island rules day off after hurricane" JJ made up. "Who the hell made that up" Pope's dad questioned. "uh the pentagon I think" JJ said. Maeve chuckled hitting JJ with her foot. No surprised to Maeve Pope jumped on board arguing with his dad. They carried on to Kie's dock. "ooo top of the morning to ya" JJ said in an Irish accent. "JJ what are you on this morning I swear" Maeve laughed. "well I could be on you" JJ said as he laid on top of Maeve "all of a sudden I can't breathe" Maeve heaved as JJ stayed there. "ahhhh" Maeve yelled as she pushed JJ off of her for the second time today as she jumped on him now pinning him to the bottom of the boat. "what were you saying" Maeve asked smiling. "I don't remember but I like this" JJ said as he placed his hands on her hips. "Hey, hey no" Maeve said jumping up. "well hello Kie" Maeve said smiling at Kiara and her box of alcohol. "juiceboxes!!" Maeve smiled. "you know it, and some carrot sticks and yoghurt" Kiara joked.

They were off as they sailed along the water. "hey, I wanna show you my party trick" JJ claimed. Pope immediately moved. "speed up" JJ yelled. Beer was getting everywhere as they where going "nooo stop" Maeve whined getting covered in beer. Suddenly the boat stopped sending JJ and Maeve flying off the boat. "you guys alright" Kie asked. "ugh my heels touched the back of my head" JJ groaned. "hey I saved the beer though" JJ noticed. "hey guys theres a boat" Pope noticed. "shit he's right" Maeve said as she looked down as everyone jumped off the boat. They all swam down trying to get a look. "yo did everyone see that" JJ laughed "that's a grady white" John B noticed as they climbed back into the boat. "yeah it's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge" John B realised. "you surfed the surge?" Kie asked. "that's my boy pogue style" JJ laughed as Maeve nudged him to shut up seeing the concern on Kie's face. John B grabbed the anchor so he could dive down deeper "im not resuscitating you I hop you know" JJ claimed as he walked over to Maeve "oh but you I'd have no problem resuscitating" JJ said pulling Maeve into him. "whatever" she muttered as she looked at Kie in concern. "John B" Kie said. "what" John B asked. "diver down fool" before anything else JJ pushed John B off the boat. They all stared off the edge waiting for him to come up.

Just as they got worried John B gasped as he came up. "I got a motel key" John B said holding it up. "we gotta report the boat" Kie said. "maybe get a finders fee" JJ claimed. "maybe not work all summer, thanks Agatha ya biatch" JJ continued. "I agree" Maeve claimed as JJ stared at her. Everyone noticed this as Maeve coughed to recover everyone. "you good guys" Maeve asked weirded out.

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