Cause you need me, Man, I don't need you.

En başından başla

I could literally feel myself shaking in anger. I couldn't let my wolf out though, when I was angry and let him out he wanted blood and would kill anyone in his way. Yet another reason my pack was terrified of me. I walked to the side table and grabbed the lamp off it and chucked it screaming the whole time. I smashed the dressers, the side table, I broke his TV and left it hanging from one side of the wall. I punched holes in the wall, threw the blankets and pillows off the bed, and the couch cushions. I was still pissed but more manageable now but that still didn't stop me. I was slightly surprised Ryan hadn't come up stairs to stop me yet. With all the noise of me breaking shit and screaming, I figured he would have already been up here trying to stop me.

I moved on to the closet, throwing all of his clothes off the racks and on to the floor, destroying the dresser in the closet, when I turned to continue with the right side of the closet I froze for a second. All the clothes on this side were too small for him. They were however my size. Meaning he either knew all along I was his mate or he quickly had someone go out and buy me clothes after he found me. For some reason that made me even more mad, I trashed that side of the closet quicker than his side. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a metal can of shaving cream, I chucked it at the mirror and grinned wildly when it shattered. I carefully grabbed the can and turned, throwing it at the glass shower door, feeling even more satisfied when that shattered as well. I exited the bathroom after knocking everything that was on the counter onto the floor.

There wasn't much left for me to break so I grabbed a chair and walked over to the balcony door. I stared at the door for a second before lifting the chair and chucking it at the door, I screamed out as loud as I could to try to help release even more anger. Once the door shattered I felt all the anger leave me and collapsed onto the floor among the broken wood and shattered glass. I brought my knees up and placed my head onto them wrapping my arms up and around my head for protection as I started sobbing. Less than a minute after I gave into the overwhelming urge to cry I heard the door open and shut again. I heard the soft sigh and then footsteps cautiously coming my way. When he made contact with me it made my skin tingle. I jerked trying to push away but he simply lifted me up.

"No, let me go." I whined and tried to get out of his grasp. Not that it mattered. He was stronger than me and had no issues securing me to him, and due to my crying he probably couldn't understand me. Due to being deaf until I was 14; when I shifted the first time, whenever I cried I had a hard time properly speaking. It comes out jumbled and easy to tell I was deaf. Or that I used to be.

"Shh." He sat on the bed, my back against his chest, and wrapped his arms around me. "This okay or do you need more?"

I didn't answer choosing to try to fight my way away from him again.

"Stop fighting me. I'm stronger than you. Tell me what you need, baby."

"Freedom." I slouched against him. It sounded off and frustrated me. I could speak clearly and just fine when not crying. I knew I was being petty but he hurt my feelings.

"I can't do that."

"More." I whispered, covering my face. 

He laid me down on my back and gently pushed in between my legs to lower all of his body weight onto me. Using one hand he softly pulled my hands away from my face. I let my arms go around his lower back as he placed his face into my neck.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you nor did I mean to make you feel like I was rejecting you. You have been it for me since I learned who my mate was."

"How l-long have you known i-it was m-me?" I questioned.

"Two years. I started wondering when I found out your name was Beta Parker Mathison. And That you were three years younger than me. You never showed up for any ally pack meetings so I started trying to figure out your middle name. Your brother let it slip that Parker was your middle name when He informed someone else that Beta Paisley wasn't attending due to personal reasons and someone asked who and he said "Sorry Beta Parker." Once I heard that I realized Paisley Parker Mathison was my mate."

The HuntHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin