The Secret the Walls allowed Me to Hear

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I woke up hearing a faint murmur on the other side of my bedroom door. The living room resided there, on the other side of my bedroom door. Voices were emerging from that room, faint but just loud enough to hear. I got up from my bed, my little feet tip-toeing across the wooden floor. I stood in front of the door, kneeling down on my knees as I pressed my ear against it.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"I'm sure."

It was my father and mother, their voices a little muffled by the wooden door.

"Do you still love her?" My mother questioned.

"Rachel, No of course not."

"Will you...will you leave again? Will you leave me again for that...for that woman!"

Mother said the words "that woman" in a harsh and angry tone. As if she hated that woman with every fiber in her body and she probably did. But the really question on my mind was who was this woman that mother hated so much? And what did mother mean by "leave me"?

"Rachel," My father spoke with a pain filled passion residing in his voice. I then heard the sound of foot steps as my father walked to my mother. Wrapping her desperately in his arms, afraid that she would hate him.

"Rachel, I only love you. You and Pitch, I love you both desperately. I no longer have the burden to return to that woman. I only want you, to stay with you, to be with you. I love you and Pitch so much that I hate to lose you both. I had no love for that woman, my parents had forced me to love her, to be with her. I did not want to be with her, I love you and only you." He pleaded.

"Henry," my mother cooed as she wrapped her own arms around him tightly.

"I loved you back then and I love you now. Don't you see Rachel, you're my other half, you're my life."

"Stay with me Henry and never let me go. Please, I beg of you. I can't bare it if you leave again."

"I'm never leaving again and I would never let you go. Even after death, I would still be holding you in my arms."

"Henry," my mother said desperately before he slammed his lips against hers.

It was this time I had hurried back to bed, the walls covering their ears as they hid the rest of the secret from me. I wrapped myself in the warm blankets, burying myself as my brain tried to process things. I was only 10 at the time and I didn't understand much of what they said. I couldn't understand this secret that my parents were keeping from me, I couldn't analyze the truth of their words. I couldn't process what a 30 year old could and a 10 year old can't. I couldn't think as their words replayed in my head over and over again. I soon found myself drifting off to sleep as I continued to question the secret that was now deeply hidden in this house.

The morning after that night, I didn't bother to ask about what my parents were talking about the night before. I know if I had asked, I would be in trouble for being up when I wasn't suppose to be. So as days became months and as months merged into years, the memory of that night began to fade away. Vanishing into the corners of my brain the same way the secret had hid in the corners of our home. The secret that was long forgotten and never reached the confines of my ears. Never to be told or brought to my understanding or...was it.

As years passed I had grown in age and size. Now instead of me being to small to reach my dad's shoulders, I was now able to plant my hands firmly on them. In fact I was the same height as my dad and if not taller. I had grown to be the age of 20 and I had decided it was time for me to leave home and create a life of my own. I remembered the look on my mother's face when I told her, a mix of pain and pride all mixed in one. They were proud of me, proud that I had succeed in becoming an adult and was ready to journey out into the real world. But they were also hurt as it pained them to see me go, not wanting to lose their baby boy, not wanting him to leave him. They was an equal amount of both emotions, but both of those emotions had formed out of love and that's all I needed. All I needed was their love.

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