"Oh my god Kellan, we're not partners anymore remember? You didn't need to take in the extra work, the partner thing only lasted a week," I said and he shakes his head.

He puts a hand on my shoulder and says, "I asked Dr. Hudson if I could take a bit of weight off of your shoulders by taking care of your patients so you won't get double the work when you come back."

I shook my head and gave him back only the charts that were assigned to him.

I sighed and said, "Promise me you'll return this to Dr. Hudson, I can take the weight Kellan."

"But, you just got out and I don't want you to be tired with double the work," Kellan reasoned but I shook my head and said, "No, Kellan, give my charts back to Dr. Hudson, I'll be back tomorrow anyways."

He sighed and nodded then said, "You don't always have to do things by yourself like a lone wolf Alex, we got your back."

"I don't want to be a burden and even if it's not how you guys feel, It's just how I would feel so I hope you understand," I said and Kellan sighed in defeat.

"Ok Alex, I'll give it back but take care of yourself okay?," he said and I nodded then waved him goodbye and continued my journey to the atrium.

I went in an elevator and the elevator doors were closing when suddenly a foot stopped it from closing and in came, Nathaniel.

"Fancy seeing you here," he said and I grinned and said, "You sure you're not following me Cardinal?"

He gives an exaggerated gasp and says, "No, I could never."

I laughed at his actions then said, "I'll see you tomorrow Nathaniel."

"Looking forward to it Huang," he said, his English accent lingers in my ears as the elevator door opens and we part ways.

Not long after, I spot Kaelyn patiently waiting for me at the middle of the atrium holding the rest of my bags.

I tapped her on the shoulder and said, "Hey Kaelyn, can we just make a quick stop at my apartment, I really don't want to be bringing all this stuff around."

"Oh sure, no problem," she said and I nodded and we took a cab to my apartment and left my things there and then eventually we stepped outside the building.

"So where are we off to?," I asked and she simply said, "Oh there's this new trendy Asian Italian fusion restaurant that's by the beach, it's probably a 30 minute cab ride from here, give the LA traffic."

"Ah I see," I said as I watched her hail a cab and we got in and I gotta say, it was the most awkward cab ride in my life.

What am I supposed to say?

Hey Kaelyn, do you have anger issues or something?

What makes you uptight?

Have you always been like this?

Do you have any friends? Oh my gosh, that's so mean.

I decided to just retreat to my phone and scroll through Instagram.

Huh, I should probably try making this soufflé pancake.

Seems doable.

Ooooo, cute dog. What breed is this cute dog? It looks like a walking cloud.

Aweee, it's a Maltese.

So cute.

If only men were this pleasing to look at.

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