Chapter Four

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Throughout the past week I've been here, I've been alone for the majority of it. My 'mate' hasn't spoken more then four words to me, and it seems like everybody is avoiding me. I haven't been allowed to go outside either and even when I was with people, like Christy for example, I still felt alone.

My wolf was restless and in need of her mate, and a run. I had to hold her back nearly even night and it's almost too painful. I had nearly shifted thrice, but I wasn't going to say anything about it to anybody.

I sighed anyways, standing up, and going through my closet, lazily picking out a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

I slipped off my previous pair of clothes, slowly, as I simply did not have enough energy to do it quicker. Something, maybe a flu or something, made me feel hot. Too hot. Usually, wolves never really got sick. Only a unlucky few got the casual cold or flu, and unfortunately I had the honour of being one of them. Wiping my clammy forehead, I bent over to run my fingers through my now upside down hair. Gathering it all in my left hand, I slid the hair tie off of my wrist, and tied it around my bundle of locks three times. My hair was neither thick nor thin which I absolutely loved.

Sniffling through my stuffed nose, I ran my hands over my eyes to get rid of my sleep from my nap a bit ago. Yawning, I stretched and went to my door, turning the knob to open it. I was annoyed, and bored and all I wanted to do was make some food. Maybe I could make some lunch!

I mean, I hated a lot of things here, but the kitchen was stunning, plenty of cupboards, a large fridge, granite counter tops, a huge island. The list could go on and on.

Since my room was up stairs, and the kitchen was downstairs, I had to first locate the dark wood stair case. With a few turns, I had come to the staircase that had a small curve near the bottom. It was beautifully made too. This house in general was stunning.

Heading down the stairs I then had to think. The kitchen was down the hallway, and then another hallways, through the dining room and to the kitchen.

I vaguely remembered the directions but I followed my gut feeling, and luckily, my gut feeling led me to the dining room. Straight across from that was an arched doorway, without a door because there wasn't meant to be one.

Upon entrance, Matthew and Carlee were already there scavenging for food for their lunches till I had interrupted them. "I'm making lunch." I stated, a warm smile lining my features. At the sound of that, both the youths ears peaked up. They must really not have wanted to make something themselves. Looking at the clock, I realized it was only eleven thirty. "Alright I lied, I'm making brunch." I conclude, before getting out some ingredients.

I was going to make omelettes for those who liked eggs, and pancakes for those who don't. Along with that, I'm making a bit of bacon and some fruit salad.

As I was making the pancakes, I had realize that both Cole and Christy had come in too. It wasn't much of a bother as I simply just had to make an extra omelette for Cole.

About half an hour later, I just finished cutting up the cantaloupe to put into my fruit salad. Along with that was some honeydew, strawberries, blueberries, a bit of water melon, and just a few bits of diced peaches.

Only moments later, I had also served everyone up a plate, leaving a couple pancakes, bacon and a small bowl of fruit salad for whenever, or if Kai even wanted any.

There was a bit of chatter at the table, mostly Carlee asking me questions about Malachai and me having some serious trouble answering them. She had absolutely no idea how terrible he was to me did she?

I wouldn't want her to, but who could be that blind? Or maybe he was just a good actor.

After everybody had finished their breakfasts, they had thanked me before putting away their own dishes. By the time everyone had finished, I ended up alone again. It was around 1:30 by the time I washed the pans I used, and went up to my room. Day by day it gets a little easier to navigate.

Only five minutes of being in my room and I noticed something was wrong. My claws were out. The inch long claws protruded from my fingertips and then it clicked. I didn't have a cold. My wolf was furious for not being let out and the heat I was feeling was her fury.

She was going to try to force me into shifting. A low growl vibrated through my chest, and my brown hair shun a light golden brown, before switching back to brown. My canines protruded and then I realized that I couldn't hold it.

I had to get out quietly though, and my wolf calmed down the slightest, which was just enough to get a sense of mind. He couldn't be angry if I needed a run. Looking at my window, I easily slid it up, popping the screen out. The drop was a large one, but with the adrenaline I was feeling, I knew I could land it.

Slipping my body through, I leaped down, landing in a crouch. At this point, there was no containing my wolf. I almost immediately shifted into my near-white wolf. Of course I had a few small patches of a lighter brown- animals I had killed, but nothing else. I was smaller than an average beta female, but I was larger than the average she-wolf. Only by a little though.

Springing from the place I shifted from, my paws moved quicker than usual, whipping through the trees. I was incredibly surprised that nobody had caught my scent but I was also relieved. Seconds ticked by, and seconds turned to minutes and minutes became endless. After a while, my senses were telling me that I was nearly at the border, and I was about to turn around and begin running back.

I didn't even get that chance though, as I had been stopped by a ferocious growl from behind me that nearly made my wolf tremble. Slowly turning around, the even darker of a brown-nearly black- humongous wolf in front of me let out another terrifying growl.

It wasn't what he thought! I wasn't running away. Letting out a small whimper, I knew what his angry wolf eyes were telling me. Shift now.

My wolf was being obedient. She knew that she got us into a lot of trouble. Going behind a tree, I felt my bones shifting until I was in my fragile human form. I was about to step out till I had panicked. I was in too much of a rush to get out, that I hadn't brought extra clothes. The trunk of the tree was barely enough to cover my body and I groaned. "Now, Erika!" He boomed, and I hadn't even realized it must have looked like I was stalling.

"I can't." I mumbled softly, as nobody had ever seen that area of me before.

"I said now!" He growled, his voice practically vibrating throughout the forest.

A shudder went down my spine, and my eyes pricked with tears of embarrassment. Slowly, with my left arm covering my breasts, and my right hand covering my womanhood, I stepped out from the tree, my cheeks a deep red. I felt too vulnerable under his gaze.

"It's not what you-" I began, but I was cut off by his growl.

"Don't try to explain yourself. I've seen enough." He orders, his voice colder than I had ever heard it.

My eyes raised to look at him, and I was grateful that he respected me enough to not look at my body without permission. He was currently taking off his dark shirt, tossing it to me. I didn't catch it though, not risking showing my body. The shirt landed right next to my feet and I sighed. Letting my arm fall from my breasts, I snatched the t-shirt faster than I knew I could and I slipped it on my body.

"You're coming with me, now. Before I force you to come with me." He hissed, through gritted teeth. I was in no place to want to anger him further, as he looked angrier than I had even seen him. Following behind him, we made our way back to his house in silence, despite my various efforts of trying to explain.

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