Chapter Eleven

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It was a gnawing feeling. I wasn't a terrible human being, such as my mate, and unlike him I felt emotion and I felt guilt. The bond had been breaking me down piece by piece with guilt about what I had done. It wasn't my fault- he was so so beyond rude, that I just snapped. That couldn't have been my fault and I wouldn't let the idea of it being my fault pop into my head.

Shaking my head, I counted how many days it had been since I even glanced at him, let alone spoke. It took me a moment to collect the correct timing but it had been four days and eleven hours, not that I had been counting. I needed to busy myself today though because I felt as if I would scratch my skin off or rip my hair out if I was in this room any longer. I didn't really know what I could do- I mean my choices were limited.

It was already mid-day by the time I had finally decided to do something yet I didn't know what I wanted to do. I was practically a prisoner so I couldn't go out to the mall or see a movie- I wasn't allowed. Deciding upon doing a quick sketch to get my mind off of things, the quick sketch turned into a two-hour drawing session as I was finishing the details in the hair. Dark at the roots, dark at the bottom, highlights meet in the middle. Smudging my finger against the harsh edges, I used the pad of my thumb as a blending stump- bringing the separate shades of grey into one.

It took me moments to finish it on the flimsy piece of paper I found- honestly I didn't even really know what I was drawing that is until I finally looked at it. She was sad. The woman in my photo was sad but it wasn't me, it wasn't anybody I knew yet it had a vague familiarity to it. She looked like somebody.. Who? Shrugging my shoulders I set it on the desk before standing up. That was going to drive me crazy until I figured out who it was. Running my hands through my hair, I looked around, looking out my window. A stunning sunset was forming above the horizon, it being one of the prettiest I had seen in a long time.

Sunsets prove that some endings can be beautiful too, and others can be dark and stormy. It all depends on the story behind the day.

After minutes I finally decided that I would go downstairs and get a bite to eat- more than a bite actually. I was starving. I hadn't eaten anything all day, so I was famished. I had memorized the blue prints of the house so maneuvering my way to the kitchen was no longer hard. On the bright side, my wounded hands had the glass plucked out the day it happened, and since then they had been healing. Today they were simply scabs- itching to heal.

Heading down the stairs I entered the brightly lit kitchen. Making my way to the refrigerator, I opened it scanning the contents. Leftovers from dinners I hadn't bothered to come down for. Taking out a small container full of spaghetti, I cracked the lid off of the container before popping it into the microwave for forty-five seconds. In this short amount of time, so many different things happened. Down came a storming Malachai, with my picture in his hands, and in came Cole, and Christy. "How do you know what she looks like." He hissed, his eyes boring into mine with a look that could kill. "Who, I don't know who that is, Alpha." I said quietly, diverting my eyes as my spaghetti beeped. "How did you draw her. She looks older. Tell me the truth Erika or so help me-" I cut him off, my own glare boring into his own eyes.

"I don't know who she is! I just drew it! Who i-" I paused, looking at the woman in the picture and then looking at him. "That's your mother isn't it?" I asked softly, my anger dissipating as he must be so incredibly confused. His own deathly glare softened slightly as he nodded, saying nothing else. "I really don't know how I knew, I promise. Ever since I came here.." Shrugging my shoulders, I pressed the button to open the microwave before grabbing the warm container as well as a fork. "I'm sorry but I can't help you." I said quickly before pushing past him- making my way up to my room being successful in making my way there alone.

Hours later, I was still wondering how I knew exactly what his mother looked like. Why was he in my room anyways? Why did I suddenly know things that are far beyond my knowledge.

Those were just a few of the things zooming around my mind as I forced myself into a deep kind of sleep that held my wildest thoughts and emotions- or-- others emotions.

Two wolves. A lighter brown one, patches of white still visible and a near black one. They were together with a smaller wolf. Maybe around fifteen. The smaller wolf was almost completely white, having one or two beige spots- animal spots. He hadn't killed a single innocent person. What I had come to notice was the dozens of rogues surrounded around them.. The light brown and black wolves ushered the younger one. Their son? Daughter? No, it was far too big to be a girl. The two wolves did not want their child to be harmed. The black one leaped, and began to attack two rogues. He was an Alpha. A very powerful Alpha to be exact. The light brown one- the mother and the small one made a dash. My gaze followed and I wanted to cry. The mother wolf let out a pained howl and stopped. As did the young one. Soon enough, three rogues came through the bushes.

The younger wolf was able to take one, and the dark brown one was able to take one, but the other killed her. It was a vicious kill- the mother seemed to be dismembered. Despite my screams and pleads- not a single person heard me. The smaller wolf was forced top watch and growled, attacking the rogue that killed his parents. The rogue was dead within seconds. His coat from then on seemed to just get darker, and his eyes became colder. Familiar eyes. The small wolf shifted into his human form and I finally just saw the corner of his face. Kai. My heart broke as he saw his parents get killed. He was crying himself. His small, bruised and broken body racked in sobs, as he looked at the body of his deceased mother. He did not want to know what happened to his father... He got up and-

I woke up with a jump, my eyes wet yet I wasn't crying. The thought came to me of how did I know this? I looked over at the clock. 2:46AM. I sighed before standing up. I could not stop the pain I felt for my mate. I needed to be around him. I let out a shaky breath, before walking over to my door and creaking it open slightly. The halls were dimly lit so I could slightly make my way around. It took me a few seconds to find the door that led to Kai's, and I knocked quietly.

I heard him shift, and I knocked again. I heard an incoherent cuss word, but seconds later, his door opened. He looked adorable when he was tired. So, so adorable.

Confusion formed over his tired face as he took in my concerned figure. "Why are you here?" He asked, his tussled hair and his deep eyes making him look at least four times cuter.

"Your mother- and your father and you. You guys- you guys were attacked by rogues. Terrible rogues. And they died, and you didn't and I don't know how I know this and I wish I didn't have to see it, but I did. And I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm sorry and I don't know why I'm here and I certainly don't know why I'm telling you this.." I paused, letting out a breath before hugging his talk frame just for a moment before stepping back. "I'm sorry."

My normally pale face was flushed with colour as I finished, and his eyes showed annoyance, confusion and something else I couldn't quite detect. "How do you know this?" He asked, his voice tinged with anger- yet he was mostly confused. He didn't deny it, yet he didn't quite confirm that this is what happened. "I honestly just dreamt it.." I spoke, dumbfounded myself.

His eyes searched mine as if to see if I was lying. With a sigh, he shrugged before mumbling a "Go back to sleep." Then closing his door right in my concerned face.

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