Jimin; come home.

Jimin; alpha I need you now

Jimin; please alpha, so empty

Jimin; i don't want to keep asking, i need you

Jimin; need your knot

Jimin; now

Jimin; please Yoonie, it hurts, hurts so much

Jimin; want to feel you

Yoongi; this is why i cant come home

Yoongi; i'm putting my phone up Jimin

Yoongi; please be careful Kitten, sleep when you can

Jimin; tears


bby alpha

Jan. 19

7:09 A.M.

Yoongi; following you today, don't try and stop me

Yoongi; was going to try and be sneaky but i'm about to emotionally combust from stress and I fucking cant even bother

bby alpha; don't you fucking dare.

bby alpha; this is personal, keep your nose out of it.

Yoongi; too late, i'm already on a bench watching you

Yoongi; it's for Tae?

bby alpha; i hate you.

bby alpha; ... yes, it is.

Yoongi; learn to use that nose of urs, i'm not masking my scent

Yoongi; and ur dumbass didn't mask yours

Yoongi; he's going to like it, the time you spent on it

Yoongi; how does this prove ur trust though?

bby alpha; i don't know, i'm trying to figure this whole thing out, yoongi

bby alpha; and clearly my outlet was vandalism, so i'm not thinking that well

Yoongi; this it? Or is it a whole thing?

Yoongi; i could help, i'm homeless for a week

bby alpha; i don't want help, i want to do this myself

bby alpha; i need to do this myself

bby alpha; and no, this isn't it.

bby alpha; i have a whole scavenger hunt planned

Yoongi; good job kook-ah

Yoongi; I love you, you know?

bby alpha; why are you telling me this, we've been knew

Yoongi; brat

Yoongi; can i crash and ur and seoks, i've been following u sense i got off

bby alpha; tf no why

Yoongi; i ain't got nowhere else to go

Yoongi; Jimins in heat

Yoongi; love to go home really, begged for my knot and shit last night and i am weak for that boy but

Yoongi; we all know i cant

bby alpha; lol you're fucked

bby alpha; you know what isn't though?

bby alpha; Jimin.

Yoongi; he better not fucking be

Yoongi; i stg if another mother fucker as muched as looked at my kitten while he's in heat i will bleach their eyes

bby alpha; wow you're really in deep aren't you?

bby alpha; even though you aren't

bby alpha; get it

bby alpha; because you can't dick him down

Yoongi; why are you the innocent baby

Yoongi; i'm taking my spare key that u gave me when u loved me and crashing on your couch

Yoongi; goodluck or whatever

bby alpha; jokes on you we just got rid of the couch and switched to lawn chairs only

bby alpha; so have fun sleeping on duct tape


I'm boo boo the fool - zepp {043020}

why the fuck was i so funny like a year a go now im just fucking depressed and swag - tae {070421}

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