Chapter Seven

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Jan. 12

2:09 P.M.

Yoongi; hi

Yoongi; i shall

Yoongi; M O VE

Yoongi; yea i'll be over with kook  in about 45 minutes

Jimin; oh okay, that's cool

Jimin; there's a few things in the hall that i took out of the extra room, I just have to take them to the flea market unless i just want to sell them on ebay or something

Jimin; they should be out by tomorrow

Yoongi; don't worry about it lol

Yoongi; we're throwing the rest of my necessities from jins in a bag then heading to my storage room

Yoongi; gonna stop for lunch too, want anything?  

Jimin; sashimi please and thank you

Yoongi; you like japanese? Didn't strike me as the raw fish type >.<

Yoongi; but yea thats cool, see u in a bit

Yoongi; byyyyye minnie

Jimin; haha yeah bye see you then


"They aren't that heavy dude." Yoongi sighed, waiting beside Jimin's front door, three boxes in hand and four next to him, "I could have made you carry up the records and cassettes." he motioned towards the box to his left. In front of him, his best friend puffed dramatically as he dropped four more Lowe's branded cardboard monstries down.

Jungkook sighed in exhaustion, resting his hands on his hips. "I didn't have to help."

"Yes you did." the elder deadpanned, moving his hand to ring the doorbell. A high pitched ring broke out into what had once been the silence of Jimin's apartments banister. A few moments passed before the door opened, revealing a smiling Jimin. A beanie placed cutely atop his orange hair as it had been last time, and a pair of long dungarees over a yellow t-shirt on.

Yoongi smiled back.

"Hey Minnie!." The elder said, bending over to lift two of his boxes, Jungkook shifting behind him. The younger greeted them both, moving to the side so that they could come inside when suddenly he blanched, squinting his eyes closed and hands moving to cover his nose, blushing.

"Oh," Jimn hummed, glancing at Jungkook. "Citrus... my favorite..." he shuffled outside and grabbed a box, trying his hardest to not breathe around Jungkook.

"Is that a problem?" Jungkook was still breathing heavy from having to haul Yoongi's things to Jimin's room, his hands still placed on his waist.

"It's just... not my favorite," Jimin muttered, shuffling back inside with the box, not continuing much conversation from there as he hauled the box out of the view of the doorway.

"He doesn't like talking much, does he?" Jungkook whispered to Yoongi.

"Hm?" The elder hummed, dropping two of the boxes next to the couch, wiping some sweat off his forehead, "Oh Jimin? No, he talks a lot, but sometimes omegas aren't going to like your scent, did you sweat off all your scent masker?" 

Jungkook wiped off his forehead. "Apparently so," He grabbed another box and hauled it in, just as Jimin came back into the living room to grab one of the boxes Yoongi took inside.

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