Chapter Eight

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Jan. 12

8:19 P.M.

Yoongi; do u know

Jin; do i know what?

Yoongi; cat.

Jin; oh yeah i knew

Jin; it's really cute, isn't it?

Jin; give him a little pat for me

Yoongi; it is so cute omg :(

Yoongi; no he'd kill me

Yoongi; wait a minute

Yoongi; you aren't trying to set us up are you

Yoongi; fucking hell, you are!

Jin; i have done nothing of the sorts, you're just into him

Yoongi; no i'm literally not, he's just cute

Yoongi; and my type

Yoongi; and smells great

Yoongi; fuck you and your deception

Jin; so you ARE into him?

Yoongi; well i would be stupid not to be!

Yoongi; so yea, I'll admit, hes attractive

Yoongi; adorable

Yoongi; nice i suppose

Jin; he organized all your things didn't he

Yoongi; yes :(

Yoongi; and he and his little omega muscles tried to carry three boxes he was so cute

Yoongi; and he wore these cute little dungarees omg

Yoongi;  jungkook said he was checking me out fffffffffffuck  me ion know how this shit gonna go jinnie i might have to move

Jin; no you are gonna stick this one out, you've already committed, he probably hung all of your clothes in rainbow order and sorted your DVDs by the year they came out you are too far gone

Yoongi; it was the way his voice would lower when he tried helping

Yoongi; how he smiles and giggled

Yoongi; he asked for fish, Jin, raw fucking fish

Yoongi; fml

Jin; yeah i got him into sashimi, that isn't a him thing, that's a me thing he stole

Jin; anYWAYS

Jin; has he made you food yet

Jin; because he makes kILLER chicken dude

Yoongi; hm no

Yoongi; does he purr

Jin; yes, he does, but you have to ask before you touch tho, he might get mad

Jin; and don't baby him about it, it makes him upset

Jin; and don't awe or coo about it if he walks around without a hat, just be normal

Yoongi; we all know i can be an emotionless man, seokjin

Yoongi; i think im going to be too absent cause of work and school to even be his friend so

Yoongi; really ill be fine

Jin; yeah, i'll give that two days

Yoongi; i've been single for 3 years, I can last 2 days jin

Yoongi; gotta blast, unpacking left to do then a gig with seok so i'll ttyl

Jin; okay yeah, good luck



Jan. 13

3:12 A.M.

Jimin; hey... where are you? i'm just a little worried because it's three in the morning and you still aren't here...

Yoongi: I told you not to wait up on me

Yoongi; work runs late, you should be asleep

Jimin; it's fine, i've been watching family feud seeing as steve harvey will get home before 3 am like a normal person and not leave jimin at home by himself after he made a dinner for two at seven in the afternoon- you see steve harvey is considerate 

Yoongi; Jimin, i haven't even lived with you for a whole day why are we suddenly a fighting married couple

Jimin; okay and i have never met steve harvey, and we are doing great

Jimin; when will you be home?

Yoongi; Steve harevy set your expectations too high

Yoongi; an hour or two 

Jimin; i'll be awake when you get here :)

Yoongi; i will be out like this almost all the time

Yoongi; you cant stay up and wait for me it isn't healthy

Jimin; i nap through the day between classes anyways, i normally stay up late, it's fine

Yoongi; no it isn't, you better be asleep when i get home or I'm telling Jin hyung

Jimin; he knows of my sleep schedule, i made chicken by the way, do you like chicken?

Yoongi; kitten, please sleep for hyung

Yoongi; when I get home i immediately have to change and go to my early class

Yoongi; i'll warm it up and eat it for lunch?

Jimin; excuse me what did you just call me?

Yoongi; I said what i said

Jimin; i can still kick you out, don't call me that.

Yoongi; me moving is better for your sleeping habits, so it wont be too bad

Jimin; i hate you.

Jimin; me and steve are lEAVING.

Yoongi; great cause a fight just broke out with hobi and some guy and i gotta go intervene

Yoongi; ttyl kitten

Jimin; have fun getting your lunch out of the trash.

Jimin; bye.


hella chicken - Zepp {043020}

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