#443. Steal My Girl.

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#443. Steal My Girl. (Song Preference) [Artist: One Direction. Album: Four]

Zayn: "You've been with [Y/N] forever. Don't you ever wonder what it would be like to date someone else?" Harry asked Zayn honestly, knowing how serious the two of you were already at such a young age. Neither of you had ever dated anyone else in your entire lives, and he just wanted Zayn to be sure that it was what he wanted for the rest of his life; to have only dated one girl, and never know what else there could be. Zayn was confident though, as he answered Harry's question, "I don't wonder at all. I don't need to, I got it all 'cause she is the one. I mean her mom calls me Love, her dad calls me Son. I'm already a part of her family, and she's a part of mine. I don't feel any need to date anyone else. [Y/N] is the one. I don't need to see anyone else to know that is a fact."

Harry: Every time that you and Harry were together, and you went out into town, someone else always flirting with you. It didn't matter if Harry was holding your hand, it didn't matter that you were clearly together, it happened every time. All you had to do was smile at someone, and they were falling fast. Someone was always trying to steal you away, and the thought of losing you, the woman he loved so much, was horrible for Harry. "Everybody wants to steal my girl," he sighed to you, using the nickname he used for you so often. You were his, and he was yours. It was always that way between the two of you. You smiled at his concern, and shook your head. He had nothing to worry about. "Don't worry about them, they'll never take my heart away. I never even notice their flirting. All I care about is you, I promise. I'm not going anywhere."

Louis: For the past 6 months you had lived with your childhood sweetheart, enjoying the best half year of your life. Nothing in your memories were as good as life was right now. So as you sat on the couch, reading a book, a huge smile covered your face when you heard him stepping into the room. "I've been working on something," Louis told you, as he rocked back and forth of his feet excitedly. "What?" You asked, dropping what you were doing, and looking up at him. "A song," he answered quickly, as he walked to your stereo and slipped in the CD with the very song he was talking about, "I wrote it for you, and how I have loved you for so long." Your heart was pouding crazily in your chest, as the music began, and Zayn's voice filled your eyes with the words Louis had wrote just for you. "She's been my queen since we were sixteen. We want the same things. We dream the same dreams, alright?" Tears were already in your eyes, only seconds into the song. "I love it."

Niall: Niall was never the jealous type. He never cared if guys flirted with you, or if someone else tried to get your attention. He knew you loved him, and he didn't worry. There was one guy though, who was actually a friend of his, who he hated to see around you. With him it was different than casual flirting. He could see that he really did want to win you over, and that bothered him. He could tell there was nothing in the world his friend wanted more than for you to leave Niall for him. "There are a couple billion in the whole wide world, why can't he find another one?" He asked you that, after finally admitting how he felt over the situation. You didn't have an answer to that. You had no idea why his friend was attracted to you as much as he was, but you did know one thing. "It doesn't even matter though. I'm not going anywhere. I love you, and he can't change that."

Liam: Getting out of the shower, you had only a towel wrapped around your body, so when you heard a voice that did not belong to Liam's, you froze in your hallway. Luckily you did, because then you never would have heard the conversation that followed. The conversation that made your heart flutter. "So you're really going to marry her?" The voice belonged to Harry, and your heart skipped a beat when you realized he was asking Liam that question. Liam was going to propose! "Yeah," Liam proudly replied, the ring already placed somewhere hidden in your house for when that day came, "I know everyone says we are young, but I don't exist if I don't have her. The sun doesn't shine, the world doesn't turn. There is nothing in the world I want more than to know I will be with her forever."


Hey guys!
Question Of The Chapter: What is your favorite TV show?

I'm waiting for your answer and feedback x

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