#411. Your Father Finds Out You're Dating.

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#411. Your Father Finds Out You're Dating.

Louis: "I love you, y/n." Louis said again, for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. Ever since he said it once, it seemed like he couldn't stop repeating it. "I love you too, Lou. Thank you for walking me home too. I think I would'a been a bit lonely if you hadn't." He tugged you closer to him, your body molding to his perfectly. "Well I wouldn't have let you walk home alone, especially after what happened earlier." You both came to a stop when you finally made it to your front porch. "I really wish you didn't have to leave me now, baby girl." He grumbled, pushing you against your front door and burying his face in your neck, his arms never leaving your waist. "It's really late, Louis. If my parents catch us, I'll be in so much trouble. I'll text you once I get inside." Louis nodded, a small pout on his face as he moved to kiss your forehead. "Night, baby girl. Love you." Mumbling a quick "I love you too", you slipped through the door. It was almost midnight so you parents should already be asleep so you just had to make it up the stairs without waking them. "You're right, you know." You father snapped, causing you to freeze. "W-what are you talking about, Dad?" "You said you'd be in so much trouble if your parents catch you. You were right. They're absolutely no way in hell that I'm allowing my daughter to date him." You father practically growled, you could see the anger in his eyes. "You can't stop me from seeing him, Dad. I-I'm in love with him and he's in love with me. Nothing can ever change that." "Can't you see this, y/n? He's a fucking monster and he's just using you. One day he's going to break your heart and I'm going to be the first person to say 'I told you so'. Now, give me your phone. I don't want you talking to him again." Reluctantly you handed him your phone, silently thanking god that you already had a pass code on it, before storming up the stairs. Nothing could keep you from Louis. Nothing.

Liam: "Who the hell is Liam?!" Your dad yelled, storming into your room. Your face instantly paled as you reached out for your phone, pulling it from his grip. "Just a friend from school. H-he's a new kid there, thought he needed a friend." You hated lying to your father but you had to; he couldn't know about you and Liam, at least not yet. "If he's just your friend, then why would he text you 'I miss you so much babe. Can't wait till I can feel your lips on mine again'? Friends don't talk to other friends like that." This can't really be happening, you thought. You quickly glanced at your phone to see that that was the message, word for word. "I-It's not like that, D-Dad." "Bullshit. When you start stuttering, I know you're lying. You're not supposed to be dating anyone yet. Now tell me who is he?" You knew your dad was strict but you never expected him to react this way when he realized you had a boyfriend-let alone your very first boyfriend. "He's my boyfriend," you sighed, focusing on the carpet. "No, he's not. You're not allowed to have a boyfriend while you're living under my roof. This may be harsh but either you break up with him or move out. I don't want you seeing that boy." Your father sighed quietly, seeming to calm down a bit. "I'm only doing this because I know what's best for you, y/n." He left your room without another word; leaving you alone to call Liam.

Niall: Niall was the first one awake the next morning though he patiently waiting for you to wake up also. He lied beneath you, seeing as you hadn't moved from his chest the entire night, admiring everything about you; you shiny hair, your cute button nose, even the tiny freckles on your cheeks. He couldn't help himself when he moved to press a gentle kiss, soft enough not to awake you, to your lips-or so he thought. Feeling the slight pressure on your lips and your hair being moved from your face, you felt yourself being pulled away from sleep. You couldn't help but smile when he kissed you again. "Sweetie, can you come help us-Who the hell is this?" You both froze when your father opened the door. "Dad," You stammered, sitting up and pushing yourself off of Niall's chest "You're not supposed to get back until Monday..." "Yeah and you're not supposed to have any boys over when you're mother and I are out of town but some things don't always go as planned. You-" He said to Niall, his voice thundered throughout the room. "You better get the hell out of here before I call the police." Niall complied, pressing a small kiss to your forehead before he passed your father to leave the room. "I thought I could trust you more than that, y/n." He said, pacing the room angrily before you. "I've seen him around town before, y/n. He's nothing but a drunk and he isn't worth your time." Your vision became slightly clouded as some tears filled your eyes though you chose to ignore them. "Dad, he's not actually like that. I know that's what everyone thinks about him but they're wrong-you're wrong." "I'm never wrong. He's nothing but trouble and he's not to enter this house ever again." You father stormed out of the room, leaving you to question if you would choose Niall over your family...

Zayn: "Baby girl, can't you just spend the night at my place tonight?" Zayn whined while he was driving you back to your house. Though it was almost 2am, you were wide awake, wanting nothing more than to spend your night alone with Zayn. "I wish I could Zayn," You paused to connect your hand with his free one. "But my father will be so mad if I don't come home. I'm hoping that he's already asleep so he doesn't catch me sneaking in and ground me." Zayn squeezed your hand reassuringly as he pulled into your driveway. "Call me if he catches you then. I wanna make sure you're safe." You quickly agreed, pecking his lips gently before you opened the car door. "Y/n?" Zayn questioned, causing you to turn back to face him. He instantly pulled you closer to him, not satisfied with the simple peck, and pushed his lips roughly against yours. "Now you can go." He said, with a greedy smirk on his face, when he finally released you from his grip. You scurried out of the car and fumbled with your keys before unlocking the front door. "Why are you just getting home now, y/n?" You father grunted from his chair in the living room. "I was with my friend." "Oh," He said sarcastically, standing up from his chair to glare at you. "Is that the boy who dropped you off?" You felt your heart sink, not wanting you father to have noticed that it was Zayn who drove you home. "No, no," You protested, "I walked home. You must've seen one of the neighbors." "I saw him drop you off, y/n! You think that you can just skip school and not come home till 2 in the morning without me noticing?! Well think again. You're grounded," "Dad, that's not fair!" You interrupted thought he just continued speaking, "You know absolutely nothing about that boy yet you're skipping school with him. I will not allow my only daughter to be acting like a slut," You felt your eyes sting; he's never talked to you like this. Never. "You're grounded until with realize what your choices caused. And you're not allowed to talk to that tattooed idiotic boy ever again."

Harry: "I'm gonna miss you, baby." Harry mumbled into your neck. You were currently straddling Harry in the front seat of his car, his head buried in your neck and arms wrapped around your waist. "I'll miss you too but we really have to go. I need to get home before my father or else I'll never be able to see the light of day again." You felt Harry sigh but push you back to your spot next to him. "I'll call you later, baby. I've got a few things that I need to take care of tonight but I'll call you afterwards." You nodded your head as he pulled into your driveway, groaning when you noticed your father's car already there. Your father was already waiting for you as soon as you entered the house. "Why were you riding with him?" "He offered to drive me home. I really didn't want to walk home in the rain today, dad." You shrugged. "That was that Harry Styles kid, right?" You slowly nodded, not knowing where he was going with this. "I've heard about his awful reputation-" He began thought you quickly interrupted him in order to protect Harry. "Reputation doesn't matter! Rumors are just rumors! They don't mean anything and they aren't true. I've never had a boyfriend but he is the greatest person I've ever known." "Don't you dare defend someone likehim." "Of course I'm going to defend him! I fucking love him and nothing can change that. You don't even know him so you can saw these things about him!" You couldn't help but shout at him, he's just so stubborn. Your father has absolutely no right to be saying those things. You quickly ran up the stairs to your room, not wanting to speak to him anymore. "Talk to me when you're willing to be reasonable, Dad!" You yelled before you slammed your bedroom door.


QOTD: Is any one of you dating?
I'm single or you can say I'm dating a boy who doesn't even know me. :-)

Guys, I've posted my new short story gang //zm//au//. Will you all mind reading it? It's a short story so hope you all will enjoy, so please!
*I'm waiting for your answers. And also you can request me some preference. I'll try to do them.*

And also please, I want you all lovelies to check out my other stories and specially Impossible Love || Niall on which I'm working on, please?

One Direction Preferences! (Book 3)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum