#412. Teacher Series: He Stops Another Student From Bullying/Harassing You.

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#412. Teacher Series: He Stops Another Student From Bullying/Harassing You.

Louis: Being in drama class meant that you had to participate in the school plays in someway. It was a new, dumb school rule created just to make students take place in school related activities after school. So here you were, sitting in the back of the school auditorium, at 4 in the afternoon, as you watched people go on stage to audition in front of Mr. Tomlinson. You had been avoiding going up there, always looking down at your notes to seem busy or hurrying off to to the bathroom when he wanted another person to audition. Finally, he had forced you up there and it was extremely awkward, to say the least. This years' play was Othello and Louis decided that it would be easier to determine the roles when everyone read the same lines. All the girls would audition for Desdemona, one of the leading women of this tragic play, and the boys would audition for Othello, the leading male. As soon as you got on stage, you were uncomfortable with the people watching and it was obvious that they were watching, and criticizing, your every move. "Mr. Tomlinson," You spoke up, attempting to ignore the judgmental stares from everyone as they questioned what you were going to do next. "I'd really just rather be on the stage crew or something. I shouldn't have to audition if that's the part I want." "Y/n, the part you want may not be the part that's best fitting for you which is why we have to go though this process which allows me to decide what's best for this play. So let's begin now, shall we?" You did as he asked, your voice slightly shaky and you didn't take your eyes off of the script in fear of looking up and seeing the faces of all the students. They all began whispering although it echoed in the auditorium so your could hear every nasty comment that they were saying. You heard things like, "She's awful. If i was her, I wouldn't even bother coming to this audition." You heard some snickers before they spoke again, "Who even is she? I mean, she can't even look up to speak her line. How pathetic." "Enough." Louis said, irritation clear in his voice as he had to stop your audition and turn to scowl at all the students behind him. "It's extremely rude to be talking while someone is auditioning. No one spoke while you all were auditioning so what makes it okay to do it now?" They were all silent now, avoiding eye contact with Louis as if it would show that they were innocent from his accusations. "This is enough for today. You're all dismissed and I hope you'll have a better attitude the next time we all meet. Y/n," he said, turning back to face you which made you realize that you had been staring and admiring his features and you quickly looked away before he could notice. "I'm sorry at how this audition went. If you can, I'd like it if you could stay here for a bit longer and we can finish this in peace." You nodded, at this point you were too embarrassed to disagree and in the back of your mind you couldn't help but hope that this alone time would turn into something more.

Liam: Once again, gym class had arrived and your last talk with Liam left you anxious to see him once again especially because you couldn't help but feel jealous as you watched him with Ally and Jen during your last class. Thankfully, your doctor had cleared you of the concussion which, much to your dismay, meant that you'd have to participate in gym class once again. "Mr. Payne," A boy said, you didn't recognize him, or even know his name, but it was obvious that he was attractive with his dirty blonde hair and his cocky smirk. "Alec isn't here so I don't have a partner today..." Liam's eyes flicked to you quickly, finding a way to solve the issue. "Well, you're in luck because y/n, here, needs a partner also." You practically held your breath because you had always been awkward around cute boys, constantly stuttering and fumbling around whenever you were forced to interact with them. "Miss y/l/n," Liam spoke up, snapping you out of your daze. "Could you please work with Jace today? That way he won't be alone..." You nodded and followed Jace back to where he was already at. "Okay, ready?" He was slightly nervous since he hadn't worked with you so he wasn't quite sure of your skills. "I'm ready." With that, he tossed the ball over the net and you were actually surprised when you had hit it back with ease. This streak went on for a while, only stopping when, once again, a ball came from behind you and hit you in the head. You cursed under your breath and moved to the wall for support. Normally, the ball wouldn't have affected you but you were still getting over your previous concussion so your were understandable dizzy. Jace was obviously concerned, racing over to you to make sure that fine as Jen practically skipped over to retrieve her ball. She was visible confused when she noticed that Jace was so close to you, his arm wrapped around your waist to steady you. "Jace," She scowled as she attempted to draw his attention away from you and onto her. "Would you mind tossing me my ball? It kinda got away from me and I need it back to keep playing." Jace kicked it to her although his eyes never left you, which only pissed Jen off more because she believed that she deserved every guys attention whenever she wanted it, no matter who they were, and, right now, she wants Jace's. "Maybe you could come help me a bit,Jace." Jen spoke up once again and Jace sighed but turned to face her, although he didn't lift his arm off your waist in fear that you would collapse or something like that. "I'm busy, Jen. Besides, It's not my job. Get Joey or someone to do it." "That's not the point." She spit, glaring at you the entire time she spoke because you were the one who was keeping her from what she wanted. "Y/n is just a pity case who needs attention to feel better about herself and your just giving into that! She was probably faking the entire concussion she claimed to have because who really gets a concussion by just getting hit in the head?" "Jennifer." Liam scolded her, causing her face to pale as she turned around to face him. "I don't care if this is only gym class, I do not allow any bullying to take place here so I expect that your parents will enjoy hearing about this little encounter." "No, Mr. Pa-" "Don't even try it." He said, his eyes flickering back to you only to leave when he had saw how Jace was holding ontoyou. "I heard everything and it's beyond me how you would think that y/n faked her concussion. Jace," He said, redirecting his attention to the boy holding onto you. "Take y/n to the nurse and then come right back here. I'll check on her after class." Jace nodded, his arm still resting comfortably on your waist as he pulled you along.

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