#428. Ready To Run.

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#428. Ready To Run. (Song Preference) [Artist: One Direction (Four)]

Niall: “I like you, you know that,” you explained to Niall slowly, after he asked you out again. This was not the first time, and each time you had a reason to say no. You wanted to be with him, and you told him that, but the timing was never right. You had a boyfriend at one point, and though he was no longer in the picture, Niall was now leaving for a long tour, and you weren’t sure you were ready for a long distance relationship. “You’re single now, what’s the problem?” “You’re leaving,” you answered honestly, “And I just think we should wait til you’re back.” “[Y/N], why should we wait? ‘Cause I wanna be yours, don’t you wanna be mine? You’ve said that before.” You nodded, and tried to think of it all. It was confusing for you. You wanted to say yes, and leap into his arms, but you were hesitant. Love was a scary thing to just jump into. “I do want that… Just… Let’s take it slow. Maybe we can start talking a lot while you’re away, and see where it goes.”

Louis: “Oh look,” you said sarcastically, as you pointed at an online post, “Yet another thing about how horrible we are together. I’m shocked, I never see these.” Louis quickly walked over to you, and shut your laptop, “Ignore that [Y/N].” “It’s not easy when I can find it so quickly when I go online,” you responded, still able to picture each and every word so clearly, even if you were no longer staring at the screen. “I know it’s hard to ignore,” Louis admitted, he himself not very good at that, “But there will always be the kind that criticize.” “And they’ll never be happy if we are,” you said sadly, hating that there were people who really took time out of their day to say mean things about you, just because you were with the one they wanted. “They won’t, but I know,” Louis paused, and saw you make a face over what you already knew he was about to say, “Yes [Y/N], I know we’ll be alright.” “How do you know?” You questioned, not understand where he got this confidence. “I know because I know how much I love you, and how much none of their words will ever change that.”

Harry: “The lights are beautiful,” you sighed, as you looked out of the window of the hotel you and Harry were currently in. You were in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but you were hiding away on the top floor of the hotel, knowing there were so many downstairs who were waiting for the moment you walked outside. “We couldn’t enjoy anything here, could we?” your voice was soft as you asked that. Harry wanted to say no, but going into the city, it wasn’t an option. However, he knew you could get to the parking garage, and knew your car was there. “Let’s just go. I know I’ve said before we shouldn’t leave when I have things to do that night, but this time I’m ready to run. Let’s escape from the city, and follow the sun.” Your reaction was to laugh at his words, “Follow the sun?” “Yeah, let’s just drive. Go somewhere else,” Harry nodded, as he grabbed your hand, “It’ll be fun.”

Liam: You never would have expected to be in a relationship where it always felt like everyone was trying to tear you down. You never expected the hate you would get over it, or the way people would treat you. It was all very hard for you to deal with for a long time, and so you tried so hard to change their opinions of you. Liam did as well, but after so long he realized something, “There’s a moment when you finally realize there’s no way you can change the rolling tide.” “What do you mean Liam?” You asked, after he said that out of the blue one day. “I just mean, we can’t change their minds. Somehow, we just have to realize that. What they think, we can’t change that by being happy. But I know, that I’ll be fine. As long as we both know the truth, and know how happy we are.” You were not so easily convinced, but smile softly anyway, “I hope I can think that one day.”

Zayn: Overthinking every little thing was a talent you were very good at. Every thing you did, you overanalyzed until it drove you crazy. Zayn was used that about you, and saw how you took every detail and thought about it more than needed. He was the same way for so long. He would think about things a lot, and really allow details to get to him. “I’m so happy now,” he told you one day, as he thought about that, “I worried a lot about us, and if this is all too much for you, or if we were doing the right thing being together.” Your heart was beating nervously, as you waited for him to say more, thinking goodbye was coming. However, that is not what followed; instead, he smiled at you, and thought of how he just wanted to enjoy every single moment. “Instead of worrying, I just want to be happy with you. If this doesn’t last forever, it doesn’t matter. Right now it’s good, and I’m going to enjoy that. ‘Cause I wanna be free, and I wanna be young. I will never look back, now I’m ready to run.” You had never thought of it that way, you were always more worried. But you were young, so young, and he was right, you should just be free and enjoy it. “Then let’s try not to worry. I love you, you love me, and we’ll see where this all goes. Good or bad, I won’t regret.”


Question Of The Chapter: Which song is your favourite from the album "Midnight Memories"?

I'm waiting for your answers. And also, I've updated my story, "gang /zm/ /au/" You can go and check that out. It would mean a lot to me and also feedback is needed.

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