"I don't know but I think P'Arthit is mad at me and I have no idea why?"

"When is he not mad at you, Kong? How do you deal with it?" Aim whined.

"Ai Aim...He is not always mad," he defended. Tew and Aim laughed hearing this.

"Alright! I know he has a short fuse but he doesn't get mad without reason. So stop saying things like this."

"Sorry, buddy! You are right. We only have seen one aspect of his personality so it's wrong of us to judge," Tew apologized and Aim nodded in agreement.

"So, he is mad and you don't know why. Go after him. Ask him."

"Yeah, I plan to do that! You guys carry on with lunch."

Kongpob tried calling Arthit but there was no response. He ran to the cafeteria hoping to catch his senior there but he wasn't there. He decided to call Knot.

"Hello, Kongpob."

"P'Knot, Sawadee Khap. Is P'Arthit with you?"

"He is not with you? Oh! I thought when he said he is going back to the dorm, he was planning on meeting you. Guess he really went back to his room."

"Back to the dorm? Don't you have class post-lunch?"

"There is one lecture but it's a substitute class."

"Ummm, P'Knot. Did P eat his lunch?"

"No Kong. Are you planning on going to his room?"

"Yes, P'."

"What about your class nong? Are you planning on skipping it?" Knot asked sternly.

"Sorry, P', but I can't help it. I can't let P'Arthit stay hungry. You know he will be even more furious if he stays hungry for long."

Knot laughed. "Go ahead, nong, I will write a note to excuse you from the class. Ask someone to collect the note from me."

"Thank you, P'Knot."

"Take care of him, 0062."

"I will, P'. Bye."

After sending a message to Tew asking him to collect his absence note from P Knot, he went to Arthit's favorite stall to pack their lunch and drinks.

Twenty minutes later he was standing in front of his lover's door ready to knock.


Arthit was fuming! Grumbling and mumbling, all the while pacing the length of his room trying to calm his head.

"Stupid! Moron! Idiot! Never listens when I tell him to do something. I told him... I explicitly told him.. and still..."

His phone rang and Kongpob's face lit up the screen. Disconnecting the call, he threw the phone on the bed and mumbled 'fool!'.

He felt the throb of his headache increasing and he was hungry. In his rush to get back to the dorm, he forgot to pack his lunch. Worse, he forgot his drink. He needed his nomyen. Urgh! He was angry and hungry! He was HANGRY! And the stupid AC was also not cooling the room fast enough. Removing his workshop jacket, he was about to strip his t-shirt that was now sticking to his damp back, when there was a knock.

He knew who was on the other side and that made him angrier. Stomping to the door he yanked it open to be even more annoyed seeing the dorky grin on his lover's face.

"What???" he yelled.

Kongpob's smile got even bigger.

"Delivery Khap. Chicken Chilli Basil Rice with Egg, sunny side up, and nomyen," he said lifting the cover to his face.

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