Bad Hair Day

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Flavor: Milk Chocolate 🍫


"Silence! Is this what you have been taught?"

Pin drop silence. No one dared to utter a word. The senior was fuming and not a single person present on the basketball court and gym dared to move a muscle. A ball slipped from the hands of a junior, bouncing away, breaking the silence.

"Don't you all know how to behave? Was SOTUS training for nothing?"

Arthit was pissed. His face was red and the veins in his neck and temple were popping.

Bright, shocked, nudged him and whispered,

"Hoi Arthit! What's wrong? Why are you screaming like this?"

"Don't you see? They were screaming like hooligans on the court!" Arthit barked.

His friends looked at him, perplexed. Knot understood that something was up with Arthit so he discreetly signaled Prem to take him away and turned to the juniors and said, "Continue practicing boys! Make us proud!"

Not sure how to react, all replied in unison, "Khaaaaap!"

"Ai Arthit, they were practicing for the game. How else were they supposed to behave? Whisper and pass instruction?" Bright snorted and Arthit gave him a dirty stare.

Toota whacked Bright's head and glared at him, signing him to shut up! Bright glared back.

"Ai Arthit! All ok? Did something happen?" Knot asked softly.

"NO!" Arthit barked and walked ahead of them. Prem and Knot both smiled.

"Oyi! Kongpob!" Bright screamed and Arthit stopped, turning in every direction to look for his junior only to realize Bright was teasing him.

All the four burst out laughing and pissed Arthit flipped the boys and walked away.

As luck would have it,  when the seniors exited the gym, Kongpob was headed towards them from the opposite side.

"0062. Your dragon is breathing fire. What did you do to piss loverboy here?"

"Shut it Ai Bri..." Arthit turned to shout at Bright but seeing Kongpob walking towards them, made a disgusted face, and walked away.

Kongpob seeing Arthit leave, jogged to the seniors' group.

"Sawadee Khap. Umm... What happened, P'?"

"What did you do to him, nong? He has been huffing and puffing at everyone since morning. He yelled at the basketball boys for playing their game and according to Princess "screaming and shouting"!"

Kongpob scratched his head. Last he spoke to Arthit was the previous night and everything was normal.

"I have no idea, P'. When we spoke last night, he was fine. I had an early lab followed by a lecture so haven't spoken to him since."

Everyone turned to see Arthit's retreating figure.

"Figure it out quickly before he brings down the campus, Nong," Knot advised before everyone turned to leave.

"Ai Kong. Lunch?" Aim and Tew joined Kongpob.

"Ummm... Not sure. You carry on." He said, pulling out his phone from his pocket to check if Arthit had replied to his messages.

He hasn't had any communication from his lover since morning.


"Hoi, Kong. What's wrong?" Tew asked.

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