chapter 33-burning desire

Start from the beginning

Rachel's p/v
I just saw Mary pass by like 5 times already. She's all by herself like my left thumb in the 4th grade. I fractured 4 of my fingers while playing dodgeball.
At least her outfit is nice, she'll have people complimenting her in no time. She's wearing a black sleeveless top, magenta corduroy pants, blue newsboy cap, black docs, and a red body cross bag. Reminds me of Serenity's outfit but in a more Mary approach. If I can remember, Serenity is wearing an olive green turtleneck, dark blue flared jeans, black platform converse, and a beige  beret. Literally twins.
"Rachel! The Powerade!"
I look at Aiden. "Oh shit, sorry. What flavor again?"
"Cherry." Nina answers.
I hand Aiden the bottle from my backpack. Aiden pours the Powerade into a tiny shot glass.
"Mind if I join you guys again?" Hector asks.
"Of course! Welcome back to Aiden and Rachel's paradise bar."
"Today on the specials we have cherry Powerade and lime." I say.
"I'm alright, but I'll spread the word to my friends."
"Speaking of friends, can we know why you aren't with Darry? Not that I don't want you here, I just think it's interested that you've decided to hang with us again."
"Wish I had an answer for you, Rachel. A lot of stuff happened yesterday and today."
"Just your luck, our paradise bar is also a therapy session. What's up man?" Aiden pats Hector's back.
"Honestly, I feel so distant from Darry. I keep thinking that he hates me, and maybe I'm destroying our friendship by thinking that, but I can't help if."
"Why do you think he hates you?" Sage asks.
"It's like he never wants to hang out anymore. All he does is hang with Mary now."
"Maybe he just needs a break. All great friendships need a break."
"Nah, what Darry needs is a break from Mary. Who would want to hang out with her?" That girl is a freak." I say
"Let's be nice." Aiden responds.
"Says you, you're literally making Hector feel even worse." I fire back.
"Me? If anything you're the reason!"
"Would you guys shut up? We aren't focusing on your guy's drama." Sage scolds us.
"Hector," I look at him, "you're Darry's best friend, literally like brothers too. I think what Aiden was trying to say is that friends often distance each other when all they know is their own company. I can guarantee you that Darry isn't leaving you behind on purpose. He's just meeting more people, and you should do the same. At the end of the day, you guys are still fucking tight. And if you talk to him about your feelings, you guys can work something out.
"Huh, I guess I never thought of it that way. You're so damn smart Rachel, I'm in awe of your advice."
"I've had my fair share of hardships in my friendships. I'm like a licensed friendship coach."
"You should start charging." Jasmine says.
"You mean we?" Aiden rolls his eyes. We all laugh.
"I feel like we're missing something." Sage says.
"What could we be missing?"
Aiden shakes his head. "Nonsense, we're smart people. we don't miss anyone."
"Yeah, nothing sneaks under or noses or whatever the saying is." I say.

A few minutes go by. Yup, still don't know what we're missing.
"Bowie!" Aiden and Nina yell at the same time.
"Did he know we were all going to hang out again at lunch?"
"He read the messages in the group chat so he should have known."
"Maybe he forgot."
"Or maybe he's with Erica talking about the picture as we speak!" Nina suggests.
"That's a possibility. Which reminds me," Sage looks at Jasmine, "why are you so quiet?"
Jasmine shrugs. "Can't a girl chill?"
"Not in this friend group. We're all a bunch of crackheads."
"Don't say that." Aiden mumbles. I'm trying so hard to hide my smile.
"I'll say what I like. Same goes for you Lily, why are we so quiet today?"
"What's it to you? I'm just trying to relax."
"Nothing, I'm just a concerned friend."
"You can be concerned for someone else, I'm completely fine," Jasmine scoots back and rests her back against the tree," "I'm taking a nap."
"Good night." Aiden says.
"You too!"

I pull out my phone from my backpack. Two texts from Ricardo. I didn't know I still had his number.
ricardo: aye rachel
ricardo: i need a favor

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