Dogs With Strange Names (Katniss POV)

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Another Au-ish kind of thing. I honestly feel kind of uncomfortable posting this.

Katniss was only twelve when her father died in a car crash. Her mother only rushed the two girls to their uncle's house and never came back for them.

If that's what love does, she wanted no pert of it.

When Katniss gazes from the porch of the house, there is a cat that stares at her. An ugly one with matted fur. Feeling annoyed, she throws tiny pebbles at it until Prim rushes to its aid and scolds her for harming it.

"He's just an innocent creature, he deserves no harm."

Katniss scoffs.


When the depression hits her again, no one is there to assure her everything will be alright.

So she slumps at the porch with papers of homework surrounding her. Out of nowhere, then, a puppy ambles over and barks to get her attention.

He insistently presses to her side and nuzzles her hip. She wonders for the animal, if it suffers the same as her. She picks him up and tilts her head. "They abandoned you too, huh?"

The pup says nothing, only gazes at her with sad black eyes. "It's gonna be fine. Don't worry, we'll be okay," she coos, and his eyes lighten up, burrowing himself into her palms.

Katniss makes a small home for the puppy, and makes sure he's hidden from sight. "You'll be safe here, Depression." The name fits the dog, she thinks, since he continues to help her with her episodes like this.


She has no confidence to do what she wants most. The very familiar acquaintances encourage her to do so, but what if they laugh at her voice? Thirteen-year-olds can be very judgemental sometimes. She trudges home instead of taking the bus as always, only answering to Prim and Uncle Haymitch in a few words.

Holding on to Depression didn't help with this situation, no matter how much she tried to let go and give in to the softness of his fur. He seems to know that too, and slinks out of her hands. He looks back at Katniss, gives a bark and trots off the porch.

She feels abandoned, until Depression comes back with another dog, seemingly about the same age as him. It's a she, Katniss realizes, and attempts to hold her and spill out her problems. She can't tell Prim about them, as it will only cause her to worry.

Surprisingly, the Depression's friend somehow gives Katniss the courage to sign up for the talent show. The end of the day is near, and she looks at the new dog. "Don't you have someplace to be?"

She gives the same response as Depression did, and Katniss takes pity, until she remembers how useless pity is. "Then come on, Fear, I'll get a blanket for you."


The day of the talent show arrives, and much to her astonishment, she wins. Prim and Uncle Haymitch are very proud to see her where she stands, but a pair of striking blue eyes catch her attention.

Those eyes...they held admiration and something else she can't name.


A week after the talent show, a group of rich girls and boys walked up to her at lunch period.

"I saw you up there."

Katniss rolls her eyes and eats her meal.

"Do you think this changes things? That now you're some sort of 'idol' in this school now?"

She was taken aback by the question. "What? No."

"What was that?"


"Well listen, Katniss. You can try all you want, but you will never be like us. You come from a poor neighborhood, yeah?"

"Look, I don't know why you came here, but get out before you catch one of our diseases. Rich stuck-up snobs can die from it." She smirks, and the group rolls their eyes before walking off to ruin others' self-esteem.

"I hate District 1 kids," she grumbles.


The anxiety was overwhelming, and she clutched her two dogs in an attempt to calm down. She doesn't notice them sharing a look, but she does notice them escaping her grasp. They tug at the hem of her jeans, prompting her to follow them.

She hesitates before getting up. They turn a few corners and come across an alley. At the dead end, there were a few more puppies, inside a box with a blanket and food. Katniss reaches for them, and they wag their tails in excitement as she brings them out and pets them.

She hadn't felt this content in a long time. She hadn't felt this way ever, actually.


She comes by daily to take care of her new friends, but it turns out that wouldn't be necessary. The bowls have food and water no matter what time of day she comes, and the reason why is a mystery to her until a week after discovering the abandoned pups.

She goes straight towards the alley after school, a bit taken aback to see someone already there.

His back is facing her, head bowed down. "Here you go, Hope. Lots of water for you to hog to yourself. Abuse, let's not climb all over Confidence to get your food, there's enough for everyone."

"Abuse?" She interrupts.

The boy startles, and turns around with his arms hardly hiding the box. "Oh," he realizes. "It's you."

"What do you mean, 'it's you'?"

"You sang, didn't you?"

"Uh, yeah." She puts her hands in her pockets, and meets his eyes.

They were the same ones that held her gaze twice. "These are your dogs?"

He clears his throat. "Yes. No? I don't know, I just take care of them. They help me with my problems too."

"What do you mean?"

"I um, I go through things, and it seems like you do too."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She crosses her arms.

He growls in frustration. "You know what, let me start over. Hi, I'm Peeta Mellark." He stands up and holds out a hand.

She slowly nods her head, but doesn't take his hand. "Katniss."

This was exactly 1000 words long and it wasn't intended to be that way. I think I now understand why fanfictions in this series have so much writing.

I might make a second part if you like.

This is the third writer typing, and have a good day.🙂

*One shots (multi fandom)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat