#409. Punk Series: He Sneaks Into Your Room.

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Niall: "Really, Niall?" You said as you entered your room. "What?" He laughed, reaching his arms out for you to move closer to him, pulling you into a tight hug. "Y/n, you told me that there was no way that your father would even let me enter the front door so I found another entrance." "That's not what I meant, Niall. If they catch you here, they'll kill me." "Don't worry," He mumbled, pulling you towards your fluffy bed. "If nobody even noticed me sneaking in then why would the notice that I'm here?" He quickly sat down on and pulled you to sit on his lap. "Are you still drunk or something," You laughed as Niall nibbled on your neck. "Nah, it's takes a lot to get me drunk and only a few drinks won't do it. I'm practically completely sober right now. Don't worry about anything but us right now." "I'm convinced you're drunk, Niall. I don't remember you ever being this affectionate before." You giggled as he found your sweet spot on your neck, biting down gently on it. "That's because I didn't know how much of an amazing kisser you are and I really wanna do it again. Can I?" "Can you what, Niall?" You teased, knowing exactly what he wanted but you wanted him to work for it. He didn't even bother to reply, crashing his lips down onto yours. "Don't tease me now. I really fucking love kissing you and I don't need you making fun of me for it because I can tell that you love it just as much-if not more then-I do." He growled, his hands gripping onto your thighs to pull to against him tighter. "Niall, my dad's coming up the stairs." You mumbled against his lips, hearing the footsteps come closer. 'Then you should be quiet, huh? Don't want your father to know that I'm in here with his only daughter, right?"

Zayn: "Does this count as sneaking into your room then?" He asked as you lead him down the hallway and towards your bedroom. "Not exactly, Zayn. When you say 'sneaking into your room', I think of someone climbing up a tree or something and into my bedroom window. You're just sneaking up here for a while until my parents get here. Then you have to actually sneak out so that they don't catch you." He chuckled at your words as he entered your room, immediately seeing some random band posters and a desk covered in some photos you had drawn and some of your favorite books. "These are really good," He mumbled as he held a drawing in his hand. "Maybe you could teach me a few things about drawing, y/n." "C'mon now, Zayn. I'm sure that you didn't come here to look at my drawings." "Yeah," He said, setting your drawing back down and encasing you in his arms only to push you back onto the bed and climb on top of you. "I planned on doing a lot of this with you." He said just before his lips connected with yours once again. It was only moments later when you heard a noise from the driveway. "Fuck, my parents are here, that was their car door slamming. You have to go." You said, pushing him off of you and walking to your door in case you have to stall your parents in order for Zayn to sneak away. "Okay," Zayn said, moving towards your window. "and y/n?" He said quietly, causing you to turn away to look at him. "Thanks for giving me the chance. I promise that you won't regret it."

Harry: "Fucking hell," You hear a deep voice moan followed by a loud thud erupting through your room. You sat up immediately, slightly hoping that you had imagined the noise. "Relax," You quickly recognize the voice to be Harry's and you did what he had said. "It's just me, y/n." He mumbled, climbing into be next to you, lying on his stomach and wrapping his arm tightly around you. "What are you doing here, Harry?" "I had to make sure you've been okay. I haven't seen you around at all; I thought something bad had happened to you." You would have laughed at his words but you could practically hear the fear in his voice and chose not to. "Nothing would have happened to me, Harry. I've just been grounded since my parents found out I skipped class and they're only letting me leave for school, which you seem to never go to. What could have possible happened to me anyways?" You felt him shrug against you, not clearly being able to see him in the dark. "I don't know," he mumbled. "things? I mean I've heard people saying a lot of things and I got worried, I guess." "Who said these 'things' then?" "It doesn't matter. They're all assholes anyways." "No, Harry, it does matter. I know that you don't like it when there are rumors about you but, now, there are some about me and I want to know what exactly they are and who said them. I think I at least deserve that, right." "You're so stubborn," he groaned, his voice slightly lower as he started drifting off to sleep. "you remember those boys from gym class, right." You made a quiet agreeing sound. "Well, the one day that I did go to school, I heard them talking about you and how they were planning something. I couldn't exactly hear what it was but they said but I overheard one part where they said they were going to find you..." Find me, you thought, what have I ever even done to them? "It's not your fault," His voice answered your questions. "They're only doing it because they believe that I've 'done them wrong' and they want to use my love for you against me so I had to come here as soon as I had a chance to make sure you're okay." The end of his sentence didn't even process in your mind since you were focused on the fact that he practically said that he loves you. "Do yo-" You opened your mouth to reply but stopped when he released a loud snore. Maybe tomorrow, you thought.


I really love punk series. Like I know those dorks can't be like this but Omg!

QOTD: Which type of preferences/imagines you like to read? Be honest!
I like everything, but more of the badass ones!
What about you?

Guys, I've posted my new short story gang //zm//au//. Will you all mind reading it? It's a short story so hope you all will enjoy, so please!
*I'm waiting for your answers. And also you can request me some preference. I'll try to do them.*

And also please, I want you all lovelies to check out my other stories and specially Impossible Love || Niall on which I'm working on, please?

One Direction Preferences! (Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora