Prologue: The God-Slaying Sword

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An odd space, in the memory of a god
"How? How can you have visions?" A large being floats in a blank space, faced by seven unique individuals who are fighting for their lives. He glares at a young boy in front of him, wielding a sword with a bright blue light. "You no longer possess the Monado!"

"I don't know," the boy responds. He ducks under the being's large sword, leaping into the air. "It comes from the bottom of my heart. It shows me the face of my enemy. It reveals the future I must change."

"The future we see is not set in stone." A nearby girl, possessing a mechanical body, runs in tandem with the boy and attacks the large being. "There are infinite possibilities based on the paths we choose. You should be well aware of this notion. For that is how you have always existed!"

"That is a right for gods, and gods only!" the god shouts angrily.

"Why should we care? What's important isn't whether you can see the future or not. It's the will to make a choice and the strength to seize your destiny!" the boy counters, swinging his sword. In the air, he turns to face the god and yells. "Our time has come. Our destiny is our own!"

A shining light comes from each member of the party and shines towards the young man. He lands on the ground with a new weapon: the True Monado, and lunges forth for the final strike.

"Can it be? A Monado?" the god marvels.

"It is not only you that has the right," the girl continues. "Every living thing has the freedom to choose the path they walk. And that is the future."

"A third Monado has appeared. How could this have happened? You are mere mortals!"

"You know, Zanza. You know the reason," the young boy speaks. "It is our will to survive, and our will to choose our own path!" The boy lands his final strike, and a bright light envelops the world.

Eleven months later, in another world

The bright stars in the sky shine on the dark backdrop, above a city filled with supernatural people.

In a building, there stands a woman bearing the rank of lieutenant. She stands among other officers in a large command room. Activating a radio, there is a high-pitched beep, then a soft crack. The lieutenant holds the radio near her face and speaks into it.

"All sectors, report."

There is a short period of silence. The lieutenant patiently waits, then a voice responds.

"This is sector 3, all clear," one officer replies after a beep.

Another beep sounds off. "Sector 5, all clear."

A third beep. "Sector 1 is clear. We had to break up a fistfight. Over."

The lieutenant speaks into the radio again.

"Have you taken the perpetrators into custody?" the woman asks firmly.

"Yes, ma'am. We're taking them to the local precinct. Over."

Yet another beep.

"We're clear here, this is sector 2."

Breathing easy, the lieutenant waits. Things are going well. However, the voice she's waiting for doesn't arrive. She activates her radio once again.

"Sector 4? Are you clear?" Silence. Her suspicions growing, the lieutenant repeats her call. "Sector 4?"

Finally, there's a beep. The tension in the command room dissipates as a voice calls out.

"The area's clear. This is Sector 4. Sorry, ma'am."

Though the team leader responded, the lieutenant can't shake the feeling that something is wrong.

"Is there a problem, Sergeant?"

"We're not sure, Lieutenant. A bright light just came from a building in our sector. I'm bringing the unit in to investigate, but we may need reinforcements."

"Roger that. Which building are you talking about?"

"It seems to be some research building."

Closing her eyes to think, the woman remembers a rumor about an old research building. To confirm her suspicions, the lieutenant grabs a pile of papers, sorting through them. She finds what she was looking for, then glances at the paper.

"Wasn't that building meant to be torn down? It was scheduled for bulldozing a week ago, according to some papers I have."

"A group had bought the building out. Their credentials were checked when the realtors asked us, and they were legitimate."

"Do you know what the building was researching under the previous owner?"

The team leader pauses, then speaks.

"Apparently, they were researching the existence of alternate worlds."

"I see. I won't keep you waiting. We'll send that back up on command."

"Roger that, ma'am."

Looking out a window, a young lieutenant watches a busy city, as she wonders about what may happen next in Academy City.

End to Prologue.

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