Relaxation Day

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A/n~ Sorry for not updating, I don't have many ideas for this book and I really don't want to end/discontinue. Anyway, I take requests and enjoy the chapter :)

Dr.Schneeplestein pov

I was sitting in my office on my computer doing doctah things that you wouldn't understand. I usually don't have a lot of work to do but today I have been getting all types of calls and emails from the hospital that I work at. 

I was just sending another email to one of my co-workers when someone knocked on my door. I get up from my chair and go to open my door to see Jackie holding his arm and many different scratches on his face. My eyes widen as I look at him, "H-hey Doc, you got a second?" he asks. "Yah, of course, come in" I answer, motioning him to follow me. He comes into my office and sits on the check-up table. I stand in front of him, "Now, vhat the hell happened to you" I ask. "Well, the scatches on my face came from a cat that was stuck in a tree again. And I think I broke my arm or something because I was chasing these criminals on top of a roof and I fell off. I tried to fly but I didn't catch myself on time and landed on a dumpster in the alleyway. When I fell I heard a snap and it just went limp" Jackie explained. 

I shake my head at him as I go and grab my first aid kit, "Zhis iz vhy I don't like you fight ze crime. I don't like it vhen you get hurt". I set my supplies down next to him as he says "But I got to, there's no one else here that will fight crime. I got to, I promise I'll be careful next time". I roll my eyes, "Vhatever. Anyway, I need you to remove ze mask so I can your face". Jackie slips off his mask and places it next to him. I begin to use alcohol to clean his face and Jackie hisses. "Stop being a bitch and stay ztill so I can fix you" I mutter. "Sorry" Jackie mumbles. 

When I finish I put bandages on all of the cuts on his face, "Those vill heal in about a week. Now for your arm". I gently pick up his arm and he winces, I try to bend his arm but Jackie slaps my hand away. "Stop, that hurts!" he yells at me. I roll my eyes again and set his arm back on his lap. "Your arm is dislocated, I'm going to have to pop it back," I say starting to grab his arm in certain positions. "Will it hurt?" he asks. "Um... a little bit," I say. "Oh god," Jackie mutters. "I vill count to 3" I state. Jackie takes a few deep breaths in, "1... 2!" I say as I pop it back on 2. "Son of a bitch! Schneep what the fuck! You said it would only hurt a bit, and you did it on 2!" Jackie yells at me while stretching his arm. I shrug, "I lie sometimes, now if it still hurts after a day or 2 come back here. Leave, I have work to do" I say as I push him out and close the door behind him. "Thanks," he says before walking away.

I then go to sit back down at my computer desk but as soon as I sit another knock comes from my door. I stand back up mumbling a few curses in german and open my door to see Marvin and Robbie. "Vhat!" I growl. Marvin laughs a bit nervously, "Spit it out, I am buzy" I tell him. I then notice that Robbie is missing an arm and I facepalm myself, "Vhere iz Robbie's arm" I mutter. Marvin then pulls his arm that was behind his back to show Robbie's arm, "So a magic trip kinda went wrong" he says rubbing the back of his neck. I mutter under my breath again and snatch the arm from Marvin and pull Robbie inside while Marvin trails behind.

Robbie then sits on the table and Marvin stands next to him while I grab a needle and thread. I walk back to them and begin to sew Robbie's arm back on, "Vhat did I tell you about using Robbie as your assistant" I say to Marvin. "Don't do it" Marvin mumbles. "Exactly, zhis causes even more work for me and I don't want to sew Robbie back up every other day" I scold. I grab some scissors and cut the extra thread, "Robbie can you move your arm?" I ask. Robbie slowly rotates his wrist and arm around, "Robbie... can" he finally says. "Good, now no more magic vith Robbie," I say as they walk out. "Robbie... thanks, you," Robbie says as he waves bye. I tell him "Your welcome" and close the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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