Senpai Anti

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A/n~ this is exaclty where we left all btw , and i also have an idea to where when Jack took the egos to meet Mark's, Anti didnt go, so Yandere never seen him  until now, and Anti becomes his new senpai

No one's pov

Dark rolled his eyes, "You can't just call me for your entertainment purposes". "Whatever" Anti said his laughing dialing down.  Jack was standing a bit behind Anti looking at the floor avoiding their eyes. Yandere Standing behind Dark to his left, he looks up and he sees Anti. His eyes widen, he never seen him before. 

Yandere thoughts pov

He is different

He is beautiful

He is Senpai

He is mine

Yandere  pov

Yandere blushes and looking at Anti "Who is that?" he ask. Jack says "T-that is Antisepticeye, my dark alter or whatever you want to call it". Anti smirks and twirls his knife in his finger "Anti for short". Just that one sentence he said caused Yandere's heart to melt. Wilford turned towards Dark and looked offended, "so he can have a knife but I can't have my gun, that's bullshit". Dark rolled his eyes "because I know Anti wouldn't do anything with it, remember he's all bark and no bite". Senpai and I glared at Dark. Anti threw his knife to wear it went past Dark's face by a centimeter, he didn't even flinch, and as Chase came walking in, his knife pinned Chase's hat above his head. Chase ducked with a small yelp "not cool bro" he muttered slowly getting his hat from the wall. I looked back at Senpai and he was death glaring Dark, "So I wouldn't do anything" he said his voice glitching more. "If you would of done something then the alters should of been dead by now instead of living with them." Dark said smirking at Senpai. Senpai looked down his face softening a bit but then he looked back up to Dark with more anger. "Why haven't you killed the rest of you alters,then!" he growled at Dark. Dark just said "I have a goal, if something isn't helping me get to that goal then i'm not going to waste my time on it". Senpai just looked more angry, "fuck you" he muttered stomping off in to a hallway grabbing his knife from the mall and slammed his door. I started getting mad too and pulled out my katana and pointed it at Dark's chest, "You made him mad" I then walked to the door Senpai went in and opened it closing it behind me.

Anti pov

I was laying on my bed throwing knifes at the ceiling. My door opened and I threw my knife next to the person. "What are you doing in here". I only know some of Mark's alters, and I don't know this one, he's wearing a school girl outfit and has red hair. "o-oh i'm sorry, I just wanted t-to make sure your ok". I just looked at them up and down, "I'm fine" I growled. "I know Dark hurt your feelings, he does that a lot, I'll take care of him for you if you want me to" he said smiling. "Sure, like you can kill Dark" I said. Dark is a very difficult person to kill, I don't even know if he can die. The red head then pulled out a katana and started twitching "I'll do it, I would do anything for you". He then started to walk out. "Wait! I was joking don't actually kill anyone" I said. He then turned around and closed the door again putting the katana away. "Ok Senpai, whatever you want." What the hell is a Senpai?!? "Senpai?". He then got all shy again and looked down "I-uh mean um Anti" he said. "What's your name" i asked. "oh-it's um Yandere, Yan for short", Yan lookded down again then at the knife I threw at the wall "C-can u-um can i have this?". "Um sure I guess" I said, i really didn't care, I have multiple knifes, and my personal favorite always stays with my in my pocket. Yan smiled and ripped the knife from the wall and held it close to him. "Senpai gave me a gift" he mumbled hugging it to his chest. What the fuck is wrong with this guy, I'm going to have to talk to Dark or someone about this alter.

Yandere pov

I would do anything for my new Senpai, I will take any problems away from his life and kill anyone who stands in my way of getting what's mine. He is my Senpai.

A/n~ So what do ya think, i honestly am pretty proud, I shall work on a part 2 soon.

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