A Check up on the Doctor

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Jack's pov

I knock on Schneep's door, "Schneep it's me Jack". I wait a few minutes , and Robbie opens. That explains the wait." Hi Robbie, can I come in?". I ask with a sweet voice. "H-hi...Robbie...missed you...Dr. Mad at Robbie?" Robbie says looking sad. "What nonono Robbie, Schneep is just a little fraustrated." I say hoping to make him feel him better. "Vhat did I say! It iz ze Dr. Schneep if you vant to uze ze nickname!" Schneep yells from inside the room. Robbie moves so I can come in and he closes the door and shuffles to the couch. "Hey Dr.Schneep". I say winking at him. "Thank you for ze proper name, cuz i am ze GOOD DOCTAH." Schneep says all dramatic like. "So iv'e hear from a little birdie someone is tense and needs coffee." I say setting my stuff down next to Robbie. "yes, yes I do. With out it I always end up killing ze patients, and iv'e been told aggressive."  The good doctah says rolling his eyes. I look back at Robbie who's nodding his head yes while eating the napkins. i go and grab the Schneeps coffee and hold it in front of him "surprise" i say. He starts to talk in german really fast. He takes a deep breath " i am verry zorry I ze excited and control myself." He says. Schneep already has his mask off and downing the drink like it's nothing. "umm, Isn't that hot?" I say concerned for his mouth. He finally stops drinking to reply " I do not care! I am a ze Doctah I can handle hot coffee unless you a little bitch and can't take it." he says chuckling then going back to drinking it. I sigh and look at Robbie who finished eating are napkins. He looks at me " Robbie...is..sorry" he says and starts to look down. "Robbie it's fine cuz  I don't really know what you eat any ways." I say laughing a little. Shit I forgot I got to go check on Chase. " Ok Schneep I have to go check on Chase, bye Robbie, Schneep enjoy the coffee." I say and walk out. I hear Robbie say a slow but hearable bye.

Robbie pov

Robbie wishes he can talk as fast as he think. You might be wondering what Jack meant by what do Robbie eat, you would assume he eat brains. Robbie don't that's why the others allow me to be here, i'm a different and nice zombie. Robbie hates seeing fellow zombie eat humans. People are nice, and not food. Even Robbie only sees them in movies. 

Dr.Schneepelstein pov

I am vorking on a doctah stuff your simple minds vouldn't understadn so I von't bother explaining. I turn around and see, ze zombie looks sad. "Robbie, vhat is wrong?" I say still facing the other vay vorking. "Robbie..is sad.." he says looking down. "I zat, I am asking vhy tho" i say rolling my eyes a bit. I don't know vhy they have him stay vith me, I am a very bust doctah and do not have the patience for zis slowness of a zombie's mind. "Robbie..is...bored" he says looking up at me. I vemember ven Jack gave me this stupid zombie game about a boy and ze nice zombie like Robbie over zere.(im  talking about the game Ben and Ed). "zon't vorry Robbie, I have a game for you." I tell him and grab the game and turn on my laptop. I give it to ze Zombie and explain the concept and how zis game vorks. When I go back to my vork I turn around and zee the smile growing on hiz face.

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