Apologies and Games

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A/n~ Art by @Quietmyth and sorry that I haven't updated in forever. I'm going through some things at the moment, anyway I take request so leave them in comments or Dm me. Enjoy!

(This is right after the last chapter)

No one pov

After Dark came and went upstairs to talk to Anti, the rest of the egos waited downstairs patiently. After about 15 minutes, Chase was pacing around the room again. "Dudes what if this doesn't work, what if he's forever mad at us. We treated one of our own like shit for years" Chase rambled. Henrik was starting to get irritated so he stood up and grabbed Chase by the shoulders and slapped him across the face. "Ow" Chase said rubbing his face. "Zhut up! Enough vith all of ze vhat if's! He vill come down on hiz own time. If he doezn't forgive uz then vhatever, zhat iz hiz choice" Henrik said, his accent heavier.

Chase was about to protest but Henrik held his hand up threatening to slap him again. "Schneep is right, Chase. We can't sit here thinking about the what if's. At the end of the day it's his decision" Marvin added. "And pleaze zit, your pacing iz irritating" Schneep muttered while sitting back into his chair. Chase sits down reluctantly. After a few seconds, 2 pairs of footsteps are heard coming down the stairs. Everyone looks over at the stairs to see Dark and Anti smiling with small blushes on their face. Anti looks up and sees everyone else looking at him.

Jameson was the first to make a move, he stood up and ran over to Anti. He then signs "I'm so sorry that you felt that way. I wish I notice so I can change things". Anti just stares at him until Dark nudges his shoulder. "It's fine, I blame you the least Jamie" Anti mumbles. Jameson smiles and hugs him, which makes Anti freeze up awkwardly. "Hug him back, dumbass" Dark whispers to him. Anti awkwardly wraps his arms around the mute ego, "Um, thanks Jameson" Anti says.

Chase was the next one to get up and walk over to Anti. "Bro, I am so sorry that I've acted scared and mean towards you. I treated a fellow ego like shit, and betrayed the bro code. I understand if you don't forgive me, but I am truly sorry" Chase says holding his hat in his hands. "Truzt me he vas vorried, he vouldn't zhut up about you. But ve vere all worried about you" Schneep adds.

"We all are very sorry, Anti. We shouldn't have made you seem like the bad guy and an outcast. Your one of us" Marvin says. All of the egos are now standing around Anti, wait for him to say anything. Dark then nudges his shoulder again, "Fine, I forgive you all. And don't take all the blame, it was partially my fault since I never said how I feel out loud" Anti mumbles. "Soo you forgive us?" Chase asked hopefully. Anti let out a small sigh and said, "Yes, I forgive you, idiots". Most of the egos cheered and hugged Anti, Anti just stood there awkwardly and looking at Dark but for help but Dark was just trying to hide his laugh behind his hand.

"Fuck you" Anti mumbled. Once everyone let go of the hug, Jameson signed "We should have a game night to celebrate!". Dark then speaks up, "I think that is my cue to leave since my work here is done." Anti then pouts a bit, "Do you have to?" he mumbles. "Vell, you could join us if you vant to" Schneep adds. "I probably shouldn't, and I need to get back to the manor anyway" Dark says.

"The manor can wait, come one Dark. For me?" Anti pleads again. "Fine" Dark mumbles, which causes Anti and the others to cheer. "So what game is first?" Dark ask while everyone starts to sit around the living room. "We should play charades!" Jameson signs excitedly. "That's his favorite" Anti whispers to Dark since there sitting pretty close to each other. Every then nods there head in agreement, and Jamie volunteers to go first.

2 hours later

After many rounds of charades, the egos played some monopoly which Dark won since he's good at manipulating the others to trade horrible deals with him (this is one of the few times he uses his manipualtion for bad). Then they played some Twister and Jackie won since he's the most flexible. After that they played a few rounds a scrabble, and Henrik won that since he knew a lot of big doctor words. Now the egos are playing the last game of the night which is... Uno.

For the septics, this is the most competive game in the world. This is the last round, and it's for all of the marbles. Anti, Dark, and Marvin are tied at 2 wins. Jameson and Chase aren't the best with card games so they lost quickly, Robbie would just try to eat his cards, Jackie almost won but Marvin had a surprise draw 4 and Schneep didn't want to play uno since he always rages at it.

But back to the game, Anti has 2 cards left, Dark has uno and Marvin has 4 cards. It was Anti's turn, and him and Dark are glaring at each other. Anti slowly lowered his card, and it was a draw 4. "Uno Bitch" he said smirking. "God damn you!" Dark said angerily. Anti's gaze then shifts over to Marvin. Marvin places down a color change, "You better not choose his color" Dark muttered. Marvin felt a bit nervous since all of the pressure was on him. "...Green" Marvin says. Anti then pouts and reaches for the deck while Dark and Marvin let's out a relieved sigh.

"Sike, Uno out bitches!" Anti says slamming his last card on the table while laughing. "Fucking damnit!" Marvin yells throwing his cards. "You had one job" Dark growls at Marvin. Anti contines to do a victory dance for the next 5 minutes while everyone just laughs and rolls there eyes. After everyone calmed down from the intense game, Dark says he has to go and tell everyone bye, but before Dark does he takes Anti to a different room. "What?" Anti ask once Dark closed the door. Dark gives him a qick kiss on the lips and says, "Bye". Dark then teleports back home while his face a dark grey from blushing. Anti stands there in shock while smiling, he then rubs his lips where Dark kissed and blushes deply.

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