01:The Getaway

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Jung Areum was sick and exhausted from her work life.

She missed her college days when she would stay awake till 3 in the morning not filling out forms or making calls frantically but snuggled up her favorite blanket watching episodes of her kdrama swooning over how cute/ hot the guys look, texting her best friends about the most random things.

Those friends now, however, she didn't know where they were, what they were doing.

And that's when she knew. She needed a break.

Therefore, here she is on a train to the outskirts of the city with her now, best friend.

Talking, laughing at their office inside jokes, and eating. They didn't notice the time fly by.

They got off the train on the last possible second but just ended up laughing about it. While recovering from the incident, they made their way towards their hotel.
I know it's a short chapter, but I seriously CANNOT make it longer than this.
Anyways, thanks for reading! I'll be updating. Really soon. Hehehehe.


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