Wild Animals

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Jeongyeon searched in the bag that the owner of the puppies gave to her where all the necessities of the puppies are and saw the doggie treats she grabbed the bag and sat down on mat in the living room.

She signalled Nayeon to sit beside her with Dahyun, while Chaeyoung and Tzuyu played with the puppies but Dahyun wouldn't remove herself from hiding.

"Chewy Chaeng! come here let's give the puppies treats" Jeongyeon said as she showed them the bag of treats in her hand, Tzuyu and Chaeyoung diverted their attention to their short haired Omma and ran to her also the puppies came running too as they followed the two kids.

"Give them treats arraseo?" Jeongyeon said as she gave them one each.

"How about you Dahyunie don't you wanna feed the puppies?" Nayeon said as she looked Dahyun who was still snuggled in her Omma's neck.

'Maybe they aren't killer wolves my unnies aren't eaten yet I'll give it a go' Dahyun thought as she slowly nodded as she approved what her Omma said.

She slowly stood up and looked at the puppies and how her Unnies are feeding them.

"Here you are Dubu just give them their treats" Jeongyeon said as she handed Dahyun a treat which she gladly accepted.

She slowly approached the puppies and showed her treat but to her dismay the puppies looked like they weren't interested in her they we're mostly interested in her Unnies.

She dropped the treat on the floor and pouted.

'Nothing is going my way, even the puppies don't like me' Dahyun thought, as she waddled back to the play room.

Jeongyeon and Nayeon looked at Dahyun sadly they were about to follow the girl when they saw something unexpected which made them smile.

Dahyun just played all alone on her tricycle but she instantly got tired so she just laid down on the tent house which was a gift of their Japanese Aunts to them.

She just sighed and pouted at how bad her day was, but then suddenly Sweetie came inside the play room and saw Dahyun all sad.


The puppy started barking at Dahyun it was like she was saying to her to not be sad and they will play with her now, even though Dahyun didn't understand she giggled at the barking and stood up to follow the dog outside to the living room.

It looks like Dogs can know what Humans are feeling.

Dahyun entered the room laughing at the puppies now, which made Jeongyeon and Nayeon happy that Dahyun finally warmed up to the puppies.

"Dahyunie, Here feed the puppy!" Tzuyu said in excitement as she saw her dongsaeng joining them now.

She gave her one treat and Toffee stood up on his two paws to grab the treat from Dahyun's fingers when he ate it Dahyun giggled and wanted to feed the other puppy now.

Chaeyoung somehow followed Toffee all around the house while crawling it looked like she was copying the puppies now, wherever they ran she would crawl and go on the same route as them even under the coffee table.

'Dahyun you gotta try this and copy the guests they are funny'  Chaeyoung said as she communicated to her twin.

'Jinjja? Let me try!'  Dahyun thought and she copied what Sweetie did which was eating off the floor.

"Omma! Dahyunie licked the floor!" Tzuyu shrieked as she saw Dahyun's tongue almost at the floor, Jeongyeon sprinted from the kitchen to stop Dahyun.

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