"Yeah those, I have to say, those were the good old days. I love those songs, those were magic moments. All my brothers, including Jermaine." My jaw drops slightly at the shade Michael has just thrown towards his brother, I manage to hold in my giggle. "But, uh, you know those were good songs. I like those songs a lot but especially, I like..." Some voices are heard in the crowd and the suspense is killing me. "The new songs."

He sharply spins and places the black fedora hat neatly on top of his head.

While posing in place, screams are yelled all throughout the area and I smile, knowing Michael's about to make history.


I've been waiting in the audience for about 15 minutes now and Michael is still no where to be seen.

Motown 25 just ended and people are leaving the auditorium.

I can confidently say that Michael's performance was by far the best, and I'm not just saying that because I'm with him.

He showed off this new move he's been working on for the past couple of months called the moonwalk, I don't believe he invented it but I do think he added his own twist to it.

I scan the place and there's still no sign of Michael.

Maybe I should go home, maybe he already left without me though I don't know why he'd do that.

I step up from the seat and observe the area, leaving would be stupid, I'm just going to try and find him.

I scoot out of the section I was sitting at and pick up my dress, I don't need people stomping on it.

I walk past the stage and head into the back, not looking where I was going, I slam myself against a male figure causing me to fall.

"My apologies, Mrs. Grande." Bill kneels down and extends a hand.

"No, Bill. That wasn't your fault, I wasn't paying attention. I'm sorry." I do hold onto his hand for support to get back up. "And please, you can call me Ariana, Mrs. Grande makes me feel like I'm special and I don't like that."

He chuckles before continuing. "Okay, Ariana."

"Anyway, have you seen Michael anywhere? He said right after the show he'd meet me but it's been almost 20 minutes."

Bill's face falls slightly to my words. "He's in his dressing room, 4th door to the right." He points his finger to the end of the hall.

"Thank you so much." I say while turning to the hallway. But before I move too far, his hand latches on to me. "Don't be surprised if he's not as cheerful as he usually is, he's not in the best mood tonight."

My eyebrows furrow unintentionally. "Why?"

"That's something you should ask him, Mrs. Grande." And with that, Bill is already walking away.

"Okay." I mumble to myself while following Bill's directions to Michael's room.

I'm in front of, what I think, is the right door. I knock a couple of times.

"Who is it?" Michael's disappointed voice worries me.

"Ariana." I nibble the bottom of my lip out of habit.

let me love you ~ michael jackson & ariana grandeWhere stories live. Discover now