Chapter 109

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"I'm not doing this again. We already had a situation like this, and she was wrong last time. You're wrong." I backed up, about to close the door in her face, but she stopped the door.

"Please. I just need to talk to him." She pleaded, and she seemed... scared.

"Come in..." I said, feeling skeptical. She slowly entered the house, and I led her to the main room, before going to the studio.

"George, get out here. Now." I said through my teeth.

"Can it wait? I 'ave something.." He continued to write, but I tapped his shoulder. "Now, George."

He sensed the urgency in my voice, and got up. "What's wrong?"

I took him by his wrist and dragged him into the main room. He quickly got uncomfortable when he saw Olivia.

"What are ye doing here?"

"George, I'm pretty sure Dhani is yours." She blurted out, and George looked at the boy in utter shock.

"Come on. We've been through this with someone else before. Just stop this. Stop lying." He hugged and rolled his eyes.

"Remember when you were directing that movie, and we hid behind the set and...."

George's eyes widened with realization, and I got quiet. I'm pretty sure they forgot I was even in the room.

"B-But... if he is mine, why now?"

"I didn't want to scare you with false information, but the older he got, the more he looked like you."

George turned to me, and I rolled my eyes. "Finish your talk. I don't want to hear it." I left the room with Noelle in my arms, and went to the kitchen where I had completely forgot about lunch.

"Brielle-" George started, but he let me go, and went back to talk to Olivia.

"Why are you really here?" George asked Olivia.

"I honestly think he's yours, George."

"Okay then. We'll solve this like we did last time and get a test done. Then it will prove that he's not mine." He ran a hand through his curly hair.

"Alright, we can do that. I'll make an appointment, and we'll know once and for all." She stood up and looked at me. "I'm sor-"

"Get out." I cut her off, and she left the house.

"We'll prove her wrong, don't worry." George said, as he entered the kitchen and walked over to me.

"You can go back to work. You're no longer needed." I wiped down the countertop, not looking at him.

"Don't get mad, Brielle. This has happened before and it was fake. She won't win this."

"George. I know you saw that child. He looks almost exactly like Zuri. And they both look exactly like you. He looks more like you than Danny or Noelle. I would be crazy and lying if I said that I don't believe that kid is yours."

He stood there in silence as he listened to what I was saying.

"Just.. just go back to work. We'll deal with this later on. But if that kid is yours, let's just say a date or good sex won't be able to help you and our relationship." I slammed the cloth I was cleaning with on to the table, making George wince. I took Noelle and went to her room to put her down for her nap.

The rest of the day just consisted of silence between George and I. And when the kids got back home, I knew they could sense the tension. That something was wrong.

But the next day came by faster than I thought it would.

We met with Olivia and Dhani at a lab after bringing the kids to school.

We entered the building, and before we knew it, the testing was done.

"We should have your results soon." The lab worker said, and Olivia rocked her son's car seat, while George couldn't help but tap his foot on the floor which made Noelle bounce in his lap.

About an hour later, the results were here. Olivia opened the envelope first, since George and I didn't really want to know.

Her eyes widened as she covered her mouth in shock.

"What is it?" George asked, getting up and taking the paper from her hands and reading it.  I didn't need to know what the results were when I saw George's eyes fill with tears as he stared at the paper in shock.

I got up and read the paper for confirmation.

"Congrats on your new baby, George. Looks like you have one more kid than I do." I chuckled, trying to ease the growing pain inside my chest, but it didn't work.

I felt dizzy and nauseous as I thought about the results.

"I think it would be a good idea if Dhani got to spend a little time with his dad." Olivia said as she handed her son off to George, but George held him as if his son had a contagious disease or something. He didn't know what to do.

I guess he wanted to spare my feelings, but they were already damaged to the point of no return, so it didn't matter now.

I held Noelle in my arms, and watched as George soon held his son normally.

"I'll come pick him up in 2 days. Call if you need anything." She said to George as she left.

"Well let's get back home then, shall we?" He said, trying to lighten up the mood, but Noelle and I walked past him and went to the car.

George groaned softly as he picked up Dhani's car seat and buckled him into the car. I put Noelle in her seat as well and sat next to George in the front passenger seat.

The ride home was silent, besides an occasional sound from Dhani.

"Brielle, Can we talk about this?" George said as we entered the house.

"There's nothing to talk about." I went to put Noelle down for her nap, leaving George and his son some alone time to "bond" or whatever.

This was definitely going to change our lives from here and out.

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