Chapter 67

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(Caution: Upcoming sweetness and happiness! Cue the awe's and the smut! Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to all! ❤️)

"And then Zo said 'Ma"! She really misses ye. I really miss ye. And it's the day before New Years Eve. It's not the same without ye, Brielle. I need ye to say Happy New Year and kiss me when the ball drops." I said softly to me unconscious wife in the hospital bed. It's been a 4 days and she still wasn't waking up. The doctors said she was supposed to be up right now, but she wasn't waking up.

"Please come back to me." I whispered to her and I sat back in me chair that was next to her bed. "Sir, you should get some rest. You've been up for the last 2 days waiting. I'll wake you up when she wakes up." The doctor said as he entered the room. Well, I could use a little rest. "Alright." I sat back, and fell asleep a lot sooner than I thought I would.


"Geo!" I heard Brielle's voice say as I opened the front door. "Hello, Brielle!" I said, running into the house and quickly pulling her into a hug, and lifting her up a bit. Her giggles filled the 'ouse as I placed her back on the ground "Why is yer 'air all wrapped up like that?" I asked her and she smiled. "I tried something new with my hair, and I want to show it to you later." I was going to respond, but Zuri ran up to me. "Daddy!" She said, running up to me and hugging me by me legs.

I bent over and hugged her before Sam, Dhani and Jackie quickly followed her and ran up to me. "Daddy!" They all screamed as I hugged them all. "Hello, loves!" I said. Cleo was right behind them, and she jumped up on me and panted excitedly.

"Come on, guys. Let daddy relax! He's been gone for a while, and now that he's back, we can celebrate New Years!" Everyone cheered as they ran into the main room as Cleo followed them and I took me coat off, placing it in the closet.

"How was India?" Brielle asked as we joined the kids in the main room. "It was amazing! I was happy to be back there, but I'm even happier to be back home." I chuckled softly and we sat down, before the kids decided to squeeze themselves between us.

"Let me go grab some snacks and we could get started on our New Years celebration!" Brielle got up and headed into the kitchen as Zuri got up and disappeared into me office, and soon returned with me guitar. "Daddy, play a song for us!" She asked, sitting in front of me on the floor. "Yeah daddy! I want to hear a song!" Unlike their other siblings, Jackie and Dhani had picked up a small but noticeable Liverpudlian accent like 'er old man, and maybe Uncle Ringo who was around quite a lot.

"Alright. What song do you want to 'ear?" I asked them, placing the guitar on me lap and Brielle returned with the snacks and they quickly attended to them. "I want you to sing Silent Night, Daddy!" Dhani responded, and Sam, who's 2 years old, clapped in agreement. "Song, Daddy, Song!" He said, and a smile widened across me face. "Alright."

We began to sing through Christmas Carols and some music for the New Years while eating snacks, before it was time for bed. Brielle agreed to put Jackie and Sam to bed, and I had Dhani and Zuri. After giving Dhani his bath, I helped him get ready for bed, which he did instantly since he was so tired.

"But daddy, I want to stay up until midnight!" Zuri said from the sofa in the main room as she rubbed her tired eyes and yawned, before crossing her arms sassily. Ahh, she has her mother's attitude. "Zo, it's bedtime. Ye already had yer bath, so get ready for bed. I shouldn't have to repeat meself." Her lips quivered and her eyes watered as she made her way to her room. Girls around 6 are supposed to be like that, right?

Brielle looked at me as she exited Sam's room. "Do you want me to-" "No, love. I got it." I gave her a reassuring smile before heading into Zuri's room. She laid down in her bed, tears running down her eyes. "Zo, I know ye want to stay up and 'ave fun, but then ye'll be tired tomorrow and ye won't be able to 'ave fun with the rest of us. And we would miss ye." I sat next to her bed and she looked at me. "Really?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Of course! The earlier ye go to bed, the earlier ye wake up and the more time we get to spend with each other." I told her, and she smiled. "Okay, Daddy." "Goodnight, love." "Goodnight, Daddy. I love you." Her small and sweet voice said, and it made my heart flutter with joy and happiness. "I love ye too, Zo. Now get some rest." I turned on her nightlight and turned her light off, before exiting the room and joining Brielle in our room.

When I opened the door, Brielle was laying down on the bed with a sexy lingerie on, waiting for me.

"Well? What are you standing there for? Don't you want me?" I could feel the drool escaping between my lips

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"Well? What are you standing there for? Don't you want me?" I could feel the drool escaping between my lips. I saw her new hair style, and I quickly locked the door behind me, before stripping as I made my way to the bed. "What do you think?" She asked as I kissed her neck. "Everything about ye is gorgeous. Including your hair." I said between pants as I sucked on her neck hungrily.

"Ugh... Geo.." She moaned out, and her legs wrapped around my waist. "We're going to have to keep it down so we don't wake up the kids, love." I said, and she nodded. "Alright." I quickly undid her lingerie and watched as it slowly fell off of her body. I could only stare in awe, until my lips crashed onto her lips in her nether regions. Her back arched with pleasure as my tongue found its way around her clit. Her pleasures moans turned me on so much more than she had realized. She gripped tightly on my hair as I continued to feast on her leaking, wet area.

"Make love to me, Geo." She panted and moaned, as I looked up at her from my spot with a smirk on my face. "It would be my honor." I licked my lips and moved closer to her face, my eyes glancing at the clock. "Happy New Year." I said, as I slowly but deeply penetrated her. She gasped as she held onto my shoulders. "Happy... Happy New Year, Geo!" I covered her mouth as she moaned that out loudly. We tried our best to keep our moans to a minimum, but it was very hard.

After switching to a couple of positions, we climaxed with each other, before falling onto the bed and relaxing in each other's arms. "Daddy?" I heard a little voice say from behind the door, and I looked at Brielle in shock, and she returned the look. We both ran into the bathroom and cleaned ourselves up and got dressed before opening the door. I was greeted by our oldest 3 out of our 4 kids, and they all looked up at me.

"Why are ye all up? Ye should be sleeping!" I said, kneeling to their level. "We couldn't sleep, Daddy. Can we sleep with you?" Zuri asked, and the other two looked at me pleadingly. "Well?" I asked Brielle and she smiled. "Come on in, kids." She said, and they ran past me and Zuri hopped on to the bed. Dhani and Jackie needed a little help, so Brielle and I helped them up onto the bed. They all cuddled between Brielle and I, and closed their eyes. "Goodnight, everyone." I said, and they all said goodnight to each other. I turned off the lights and we went to sleep.

"George?" "Yeah Brielle?" "George!" I opened me eyes, and was greeted by the sight of monitors and an IV stand. "Ugh..." I groaned as I sat up, and Brielle looked at me. "Hey Geo..." My eyes widened and I kissed her. "Oh Brielle I missed you!" I said with tears filling me eyes. "I could tell." She laughed softly. "You were moaning my name in your sleep." She pointed to me pants, and when I looked down, I realized that I had a boner.

"Oh..." I blushed in embarrassment and tried to cover it up. "Its a bit late, but merry Christmas and it's a bit early, but happy new year." We laughed together and I held her hand in mine. I couldn't ask for a better Christmas/ New Year gift.

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